Translation of "Belfast" in French

0.056 sec.

Examples of using "Belfast" in a sentence and their french translations:

I live in Belfast.

J'habite à Belfast.

You live in Belfast.

- Tu habites à Belfast.
- Vous habitez à Belfast.

He lives in Belfast.

Il habite à Belfast.

She lives in Belfast.

Elle habite à Belfast.

We live in Belfast.

Nous habitons à Belfast.

They live in Belfast.

- Ils habitent à Belfast.
- Elles habitent à Belfast.

"That's not Belfast," said the second.

« Ça, ce n'est pas Belfast », a dit le second.

He shared his experience as a newcomer to Belfast,

Il nous a raconté son expérience en arrivant à Belfast,

I led some tough conversations in Belfast, the epicenter of the fighting.

J'ai eu des entretiens durs à Belfast, l'épicentre des conflits.

I think of the men in Belfast who hid their faces in ski masks

Je pense à ces hommes à Belfast qui cachaient leur visage sous un masque