Translation of "Witnessed" in Dutch

0.005 sec.

Examples of using "Witnessed" in a sentence and their dutch translations:

73% have witnessed it.

73% was er getuige van.

He witnessed the murder.

Hij was getuige van de moord.

Tom witnessed the assault.

Tom was getuige van de mishandeling.

Tom also witnessed the attack.

Tom was ook getuige van de aanval.

Something rarely, if ever, witnessed before.

Zoiets is zelden of nooit gezien.

Or witnessed someone getting called the slur,

of iemand anders werd ermee uitgescholden,

At the time, I didn't know I'd witnessed something extraordinary.

Ik wist toen nog niet dat ik iets bijzonders had gezien.

- He saw the accident on the way to school.
- He saw the accident on his way to school.
- He witnessed the accident on his way to school.

Hij zag het ongeval onderweg naar school.