Translation of "Sami" in Dutch

0.011 sec.

Examples of using "Sami" in a sentence and their dutch translations:

- Sami disappeared.
- Sami vanished.

Sami verdween.

- Sami resigned.
- Sami quit.

Sami nam ontslag.

- Sami passed away.
- Sami died.

- Sami stierf.
- Sami is gestorven.

- Sami approached.
- Sami got closer.

Sami kwam dichterbij.

- Sami went nuts.
- Sami went crazy.

Sami werd gek.

- Sami loves you.
- Sami likes you.

Sammy vindt je leuk.

- Sami was cold.
- Sami felt cold.

Sami had het koud.

- Sami smelt shoes.
- Sami smelled shoes.

Sami rook schoenen.

- Sami performed wudu.
- Sami performed ablution.

Sami deed de woedoe.

- Sami worshipped Allah.
- Sami worshiped God.

Sami aanbad Allah.

Sami knew.

Sami wist het.

Sami left.

Sami vertrok.

Sami watched.

Sami keek toe.

Sami fired.

Sami schoot.

Sami complained.

Sami klaagde.

Sami survived.

Sami overleefde.

Sami disagreed.

Sami was het daar niet mee eens.

Sami remarried.

Sami hertrouwde.

Sami retired.

Sami is met pensioen.

Sami agreed.

Sami stemde toe.

Sami returned.

Sami keerde terug.

Sami hid.

Sami verstopte zich.

Sami called.

Sami belde.

Sami cooks.

Sami kookt.

Sami arrived.

Sami is aangekomen.

Sami cursed.

Sami vloekte.

Sami waited.

Sami wachtte.

Sami retaliated.

Sami sloeg terug.

Sami urinated.

Sami plaste.

Sami fell.

Sami viel.

Sami escaped.

Sami ontsnapte.

Sami replied.

Sami heeft geantwoord.

Sami smelt.

Sami rook.

Sami burped.

Sami boerde.

Sami ran.

Sami liep.

Sami smoked.

Sami rookte.

Sami exploded.

Sami explodeerde.

Sami died.

Sami stierf.

Sami lied.

Sami loog.

Sami prayed.

Sami bad.

Sami smiled.

Sami glimlachte.

Sami giggled.

- Sami giechelde.
- Sami was aan het giechelen.

- Sami is not gay.
- Sami isn't gay.

Sami is niet gay.

- Sami was smoking weed.
- Sami smoked weed.

Sami rookte wiet.

- Sami became a Muslim.
- Sami became Muslim.

Sami werd een moslim.

- Sami attempted suicide.
- Sami tried to commit suicide.
- Sami tried to kill himself.

Sami probeerde zelfmoord te plegen.

- Sami started to cry.
- Sami began to cry.

Sami begon te huilen.

- Sami fixed the problem.
- Sami solved the problem.

- Sami heeft het probleem opgelost.
- Sami loste het probleem op.

- Sami converted to Islam.
- Sami came to Islam.

Sami bekeerde tot de islam.

- Sami Googled his symptoms.
- Sami googled his symptoms.

Sami googelde zijn symptomen.

Layla protected Sami.

Layla beschermde Sami.

Sami had bodyguards.

- Sami had lijfwachten.
- Sami had bodyguards.

Sami made coffee.

Sami heeft koffie gemaakt.

Sami confronted Layla.

Sami confronteerde Layla.

Sami kept trying.

Sami bleef het proberen.

Sami wasn't trustworthy.

Sami was niet betrouwbaar.

Sami studied Islam.

Sami studeerde islam.

Sami accepted Islam.

Sami accepteerde de islam.

Sami embraced Islam.

Sami omarmde de islam.

Sami loves canoeing.

Sami houdt van kanoën.

Sami said yes.

Sami zei ja.

Sami became Christian.

Sami werd christen.

Sami was successful.

Sami was succesvol.

Sami became suicidal.

Sami werd suïcidaal.

Sami enjoys chocolate.

Sami geniet van chocolade.

Sami hates cigarettes.

Sami heeft een hekel aan sigaretten.

Sami got caught.

Sami werd gepakt.

Sami wanted revenge.

Sami wilde wraak.

Sami was transgender.

Sami was transgender.

Sami smelt smoke.

Sami rook rook.

Sami drinks wine.

Sami drinkt wijn.

Sami planted trees.

Sami heeft bomen geplant.

Sami was jealous.

Sammy was jaloers.

Sami explained everything.

Sami legde alles uit.

Sami protected Layla.

Sami beschermde Layla.

Sami committed suicide.

Sami pleegde zelfmoord.

Sami waited there.

Sami wachtte daar.

Sami ordered coffee.

Sami bestelde koffie.

Sami became bishop.

Sami werd bisschop.

Sami suggested that.

Sammy stelde dat voor.

Sami milked cows.

Sami molk koeien.

Sami planted flowers.

- Sami plantte bloemen.
- Sami heeft bloemen geplant.

Sami got sick.

Sami werd ziek.

Sami had asthma.

Sami had astma.

Sami was illiterate.

Sami was analfabeet.

Sami had twins.

Sami had een tweeling.

Sami was showering.

Sami was aan het douchen.

Sami saw Layla.

Sami zag Layla.