Translation of "Mecca" in Arabic

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Examples of using "Mecca" in a sentence and their arabic translations:

I will show you Mecca,

سوف أريك مكة المكرمة،

- Muhammad, peace be upon him, was born in Mecca.
- Muhammed was born in Mecca.

محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم ولد في مكة

Muslims always pray facing toward Mecca.

يصّلي المسلمون دائما و هم متوجّهون نحو الكعبة.

Muhammad, peace be upon him, was born in Mecca.

محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم ولد في مكة

After hitting the ground so many times while praying to MECCA.

تنشأ عن ارتطامهم بالأرض لمرات عديدة أثناء صلواتهم مستقبلين مكة.

The soldiers of both armies turned towards Mecca, lifting their hands in prayer.

ولّى جنود كلا الجيشين وجوهم نحو القبلة، ورفعوا أيديهم للصلاة