Translation of "Mary’nin" in English

0.044 sec.

Examples of using "Mary’nin" in a sentence and their english translations:

Tom'a Mary’nin hastalandığını söyle.

- Tell Tom Mary is sick.
- Tell Tom that Mary is sick.

Tom, Mary’nin bunu yapmasını engelleyecektir.

- Tom will stop Mary from doing that.
- Tom is going to stop Mary from doing that.

Tom Mary’nin Boston’a taşınmasını istemiyor.

Tom doesn't want Mary to move to Boston.

Tom, Mary’nin John’la çıkmasını istemiyor.

Tom doesn't want Mary to go out with John.

Tom, Mary’nin odasına girmesini reddetti.

Tom refused to let Mary in his room.

Tom'a Mary’nin hasta olduğunu söyle.

- Tell Tom Mary is sick.
- Tell Tom that Mary is sick.

Mary’nin mutlu olduğunu Tom'a söyledim.

- I told Tom Mary was happy.
- I told Tom that Mary was happy.

Tom Mary’nin bisikletini kullanmasına izin veriyor.

Tom has been letting Mary use his bicycle.

Tom, Mary’nin eve girmesine izin vermedi.

Tom didn't let Mary in the house.

Tom, Mary’nin muhtemelen bunu yapacağını düşündü.

- Tom thought Mary would probably do that.
- Tom thought that Mary would probably do that.

Tom, Mary’nin bunu yapmasına izin verirdi.

- Tom would've let Mary do that.
- Tom would've allowed Mary to do that.
- Tom would have allowed Mary to do that.

Tom, Mary’nin kiminle Boston’a gitmeyi planladığını bilmiyordu.

- Tom didn't know who Mary was planning to go to Boston with.
- Tom didn't know who Mary was planning on going to Boston with.

Tom, Mary’nin John’a yardım etmesi gerektiğini bilmiyordu.

Tom didn't know Mary had to help John do that.

Tom bana Mary’nin sorumsuz olduğunu düşündüğünü söyledi.

- Tom told me that he thought Mary had been irresponsible.
- Tom told me he thought Mary had been irresponsible.
- Tom told me he thought that Mary had been irresponsible.
- Tom told me that he thought that Mary had been irresponsible.

Tom ve Mary’nin gergin olduğunu mu düşünüyorsun?

- Do you think Tom and Mary were nervous?
- Do you think that Tom and Mary were nervous?

Tom, Mary’nin muhtemelen John’un bunu yapmamasını istemediğini biliyordu.

Tom knew Mary was unlikely to ask John not to do that.

Tom'a Mary’nin bunu nasıl yapacağını öğrenmek istediğimi söyledim.

I told Tom I wanted Mary to learn how to do that.

Tom ve Mary’nin Boston’a hiç gitmediğini sana düşündüren nedir?

What makes you think that Tom and Mary have never been to Boston?

Tom bana Mary’nin oraya vardığımızda gitmiş olacağını düşündüğünü söyledi.

- Tom told me that he thought Mary would be gone by the time we got there.
- Tom told me he thought Mary would be gone by the time we got there.
- Tom told me that he thought that Mary would be gone by the time we got there.

Tom, Mary’nin John’a toplantının ne zaman başlayacağını söylemeyi unutacağını düşünmemişti.

Tom didn't think Mary would forget to tell John what time the meeting was going to start.

Tom, Mary’nin John’un bunu yakın gelecekte yapması gerekebileceğini bildiğini söyledi.

- Tom said Mary knew John might be required to do that in the near future.
- Tom said that Mary knew John might be required to do that in the near future.
- Tom said that Mary knew that John might be required to do that in the near future.

- Tom Mary'nin burada olacağını nasıl bildi?
- Tom Mary’nin burada olacağını nasıl biliyordu?

- How did Tom know that Mary would be here?
- How did Tom know Mary would be here?

- Polis, Mary'nin evinde Tom'un parmak izlerini buldu.
- Polis, Tom’un parmak izlerini Mary’nin evinde buldu.

The police found Tom's fingerprints in Mary's house.