Translation of "Tornillos" in English

0.024 sec.

Examples of using "Tornillos" in a sentence and their english translations:

Sin tornillos ni ángulos.

without screws and angles.

Tengo que apretar estos tornillos.

I have to tighten these bolts.

- Ve a por tornillos a la ferretería.
- Andá a buscar tornillos a la ferretería.

Go to the hardware store and get screws.

Y solo ajustamos los tornillos aquí.

And we just adjust the screws here.

Tiene usted que ajustar esos tornillos.

You have to tighten those screws.

Ve a por tornillos a la ferretería.

Go to the hardware store and get screws.

Este tiene zafado un par de tornillos.

- She has a screw loose.
- He's got a couple of screws loose.
- He's got a couple screws loose.
- He has a few screws loose.
- He's got a few screws loose.

Luego entran cuatro tornillos, uno en cada esquina.

Then four screws come in, one at each corner.

Se utilizan para atornillar los tornillos en los orificios.

These are used to screw the screws into the holes.

Si quieres desatornillar estos tornillos, deberías usar un destornillador.

If you want to unscrew these screws, you should use a screwdriver.

Suelta los tornillos y quita la cubierta de la lámpara.

Loosen the screws and remove the lamp cover.

Para colocarme una placa de titanio y tornillos en el peroné,

to attach a small titanium plate and a few screws onto my fibula,

Lisa tiene tanta maña que se fabrica incluso tornillos y pequeños objetos semejantes.

Lisa is so skillful that she can even make screws and similar small objects for herself.

Después de montar esta mierda de armario de Ikea, se me quedan tres tornillos en la mano, no tengo ni idea de dónde van.

After putting up this bloody Ikea wardrobe, I found myself with three screws in my hand, and no idea where they were meant to go.