Translation of "Resistió" in English

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Examples of using "Resistió" in a sentence and their english translations:

Bueno, resistió.

Well, that held. Whoo!

Bueno, resistió. De acuerdo.

Well, that held. Okay.

Tom no se resistió.

- Tom did not struggle.
- Tom didn't struggle.

Bien, resistió, y bajamos al cañón.

Okay, that held, and we're down into the canyon.

La gente se resistió a su cruel gobernante.

The people resisted their cruel ruler.

Decimotercer Cuerpo y, tras la derrota de Napoleón en Leipzig, resistió un asedio de seis meses.

Thirteenth Corps, and – following Napoleon’s  defeat at Leipzig - withstood a six-month siege.