Translation of "Reportaje" in English

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Examples of using "Reportaje" in a sentence and their english translations:

Si querés leer el reportaje íntegro, accedé a nuestro sitio.

If you want to read the full report, visit our site.

Una mañana Fernando me estaba contando, para el reportaje que yo le hacía,

One morning Fernando was telling me, for the feature I was writing about him,

Publicó un reportaje en el que consideraba a Mohammed bin Zayed como el líder político

published a report in which he considered to Mohammed bin Zayed as the political leader

El periodista fue hallado muerto luego de hacer un reportaje de alto riesgo en Argentina.

The journalist was found dead after doing a high-risk report in Argentina.

El caso es que tras el reportaje publicado en el New York Times nos hicimos algunas preguntas:

The case is that after the published report In the New York Times we asked ourselves some questions: