Translation of "Regresar" in English

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Regresar" in a sentence and their english translations:

Necesito regresar.

I need to go back.

Puedo regresar.

I can come back.

Quieren regresar.

They want to return.

Quiero regresar.

I want to go back.

Comenzaron a regresar.

started to come back.

Tendremos que regresar.

We'll have to come back.

Acabo de regresar.

I've only just come back.

Tengo que regresar.

- I have to go back.
- I need to go back.

Él prometió regresar.

He has made a promise to come again.

Gracias por regresar.

Thank you for coming back.

Van a regresar.

- They will return.
- They'll be back.
- They'll come back.

¿Podemos regresar ahora?

Are you going back now?

¿Acabas de regresar?

Did you just get back?

¿Cuándo piensas regresar?

When are you going to be back?

Intentaba regresar al trabajo,

I was trying to get back to work,

Él acaba de regresar.

He has just come back.

Tom debería regresar pronto.

- Tom is likely to be back soon.
- Tom will likely be back soon.

- Quiero regresar.
- Quiero volver.

I want to go back.

Necesito regresar a Boston.

- I've got to get back to Boston.
- I have to get back to Boston.
- I have to go back to Boston.
- I need to go back to Boston.

- Debo regresar.
- Debo volver.

I must go back.

Puedo regresar más tarde.

I can come back later.

Mi sueño era regresar

My dream was to make it back

- Tienes que regresar.
- Tienes que volver.
- Tienen que volver.
- Tienen que regresar.

You have to go back.

No tengo intención de regresar.

It is not my intention to return.

Sería mejor no regresar allá.

- You had better not go there again.
- You'd better not go there again.

Él no debería regresar aquí.

- He shall not come here again.
- He should not come back here.
- He shouldn't come back here.

¿Sabes cuándo va a regresar?

Do you know when he'll come back?

Regresar fue una mala elección.

Coming back was a bad choice.

Tom debería regresar el lunes.

Tom is due back Monday.

Puedo regresar en otra ocasión.

I can come back another time.

- Tom va a regresar de Australia pronto.
- Tom va a regresar pronto de Australia.

Tom will be back from Australia soon.

Debemos regresar y usar esas rocas.

[Bear] We need to go back and use that rock shelter.

Algún sentido regresar a la luna?

accomplished, was there any point in returning to the moon?

Me prometiste regresar antes del verano.

You promised me to come back before summer.

Tomás no tenía a dónde regresar.

Tom had nowhere to return to.

- ¿Podemos regresar ahora?
- ¿Podemos volver ahora?

Can we go back now?

Fueron obligados a regresar al sur.

They were forced to return to the South.

Entonces acababa de regresar de Inglaterra.

- I had just returned from England then.
- At the time, I had just returned from England.

Si es así, hay que regresar.

Then we should go back.

¿Y si pudiéramos regresar el tiempo?

What if we could turn back time?

Para regresar y limpiar tu lista

to go back and clean your list

No tendrían forma de regresar a casa.

they would have no way of returning home.

Al regresar, encontró a su hija durmiendo.

On his return he found her daughter asleep.

¿Cuándo va a regresar de su viaje?

When does he get back from his trip?

Él va a regresar a las cuatro.

He will come back at four.

El tifón nos impidió regresar a Tokio.

The typhoon prevented us from going back to Tokyo.

¿Cuándo piensan regresar a los Estados Unidos?

When were you thinking of coming back to the States?

Acabo de regresar de un largo viaje.

- I've just come back from a long trip.
- I have just come back from a long trip.

Si estás ocupado ahora, puedo regresar después.

If you're busy now, I can come back later.

"Sí, Tim acaba de regresar de Islandia,

"Yeah, Tim just got back from Iceland,

Donde me obligaron a regresar a EE. UU.

where I was forced back into the United States.

Pensé en ayudarla a regresar a la guarida.

I thought about helping her back physically to the den.

¿Qué deberíamos hacer para regresar a nuestra era?

In order to return to our era, what should we do?

Al regresar a casa, él lee 10 libros.

He reads 10 books when he returns to the house.

¿Podría regresar dentro de un momento, por favor?

Could you come back in a minute, please?

Quiero escaparme a una cabaña y jamás regresar.

I want to escape to a cottage and never return.

Los buenos días se han ido para nunca regresar.

The good old days have gone, never to return.

Su padre falleció después de regresar a su casa.

His father died after his return home.

Hoy por hoy no pienso regresar a mi país.

Under present circumstances, I don't intend to return to my country.

- Necesito regresar a Boston.
- Tengo que volver a Boston.

I have to get back to Boston.

Hay que regresar a las semillas de la felicidad.

I'm going to go back to my seeds of happiness.

En sus nuevos mensajes, pero se olvidan de regresar

on their new posts, but they forget to go back

Tenía que regresar a la clínica para una nueva consulta?

need to come into the office for a visit?

Y sobretodo, las olas ya no tratan de hacerte regresar.

and more importantly, the waves are not trying to push you back,

Escribamos el nombre de la estación para saber cómo regresar".

Let's write down the name of the station so we can find our way back."

Tras nueve años, Luo decidió regresar a Jiangxi en 2017,

After nine years, Luo decided to return to Jiangxi in 2017,

Él se decidió a jamás regresar a su país natal.

He made up his mind not to return to his native country.

Al regresar a casa, encontró una carta en su buzón.

Upon returning home, he found a letter in the mailbox.