Translation of "Tendremos" in English

0.048 sec.

Examples of using "Tendremos" in a sentence and their english translations:

Tendremos que regresar.

We'll have to come back.

Tendremos que arreglárnoslas.

We'll have to deal with it.

Tendremos que trasnochar.

We'll have to pull an all-nighter.

Mañana tendremos invitados.

- We will have guests tomorrow.
- We'll have guests tomorrow.

- Hoy tendremos pescado de cena.
- Hoy tendremos pescado para cenar.

We have fish for dinner today.

Tendremos cada vez más,

We'll have more and more,

Y tendremos la cena.

And then we eat tonight.

Tendremos algo para todos.

We'll have something for everyone.

De seguro tendremos problemas.

We'll have troubles for sure.

Mañana tendremos luna llena.

We're going to see a full moon tomorrow.

Tendremos algo para ti.

We'll have something for you.

Tendremos montón de diversión.

We'll have loads of fun.

Tendremos que tener cuidado.

We'll have to be careful.

Hoy tendremos una prueba.

We're going to have a test today.

¿Para qué tendremos deberes?

Why do we have homework?

Tendremos que hacer algo.

- We will have to do something.
- We'll have to do something.

Lo tendremos en cuenta.

We'll take that into consideration.

Tendremos unos invitados mañana.

- We will have some guests tomorrow.
- We'll have some guests tomorrow.

- Tendremos que esperar durante tres horas.
- Tendremos que esperar tres horas.

- We'll have to wait for three hours.
- We'll have to wait three hours.

Tendremos un inventario más completo

Well, we will have a more complete inventory

tendremos un nuevo paradigma fundamental

that we will arrive at a fundamentally new paradigm

tendremos una batalla entre manos.

oh, are you going to have a battle on your hands, right?

Así que tendremos mucho cuidado.

So we're gonna be really careful turning these over.

tendremos que usar más pesticidas

we will have to use more pesticides

¿Cuánto tiempo tendremos que esperar?

How long will we have to wait?

Tendremos poca nieve este invierno.

- We'll have little snow this winter.
- We will have little snow this winter.

Esta tarde tendremos una entrevista.

This afternoon we'll have an interview.

Tendremos que esperar algunos minutos.

We'll have to wait a few minutes.

Tendremos que esperar cinco horas.

We'll have to wait for five hours.

Tendremos que zafar los cables.

We'll have to separate the wires.

Tendremos que desunir los alambres.

We'll have to separate the wires.

Tendremos que buscar otras opciones.

We need to look for other options.

Entonces tendremos un trabajo gratificante.

then you have a fulfilling career.

No tendremos que esperar mucho.

We won't have to wait long.

- Aun cuando no venga tendremos que empezar.
- Aunque no venga, tendremos que empezar.

Even if he doesn't come, we'll have to begin.

¿Por qué tendremos que presentarnos así?

Why do we need to introduce ourselves like that?

Tendremos que trepar un largo trecho.

That's a long rope climb that.

tendremos que disminuir las emisiones rápidamente.

we're going to need to cut emissions rapidly.

Tendremos un asado en la playa.

We'll have a barbecue at the beach.

Tendremos una clase de matemáticas mañana.

We will have a math class tomorrow.

Pronto tendremos un concurso de música.

We will have a music contest soon.

Solo tendremos que ver dónde está.

We'll just have to see where he is.

Nunca más tendremos que hacer eso.

We'll never have to do this again.

Tendremos que hacer esto de nuevo.

We're going to have to do this again.

Aunque no venga, tendremos que empezar.

Even if he doesn't come, we'll have to begin.

- Hoy tendremos pescado de cena.
- Hoy tendremos pescado para cenar.
- Hoy pondremos pescado para cenar.

We have fish for dinner today.

tendremos que ir mucho, mucho más atrás.

we're going to need to scoot back way, way more.

Tendremos que cambiar a un nuevo paradigma

We will need to shift to a new paradigm

Tendremos que intentar sacarla de algún modo.

We're gonna have to try and get him out somehow.

Tendremos que superar la sensación de desamparo.

We will have to get over the feeling of helplessness.

¿Tendremos oportunidad de codearnos con un famoso?

Do you think we'll get a chance to rub shoulders with any celebrities?

Tendremos que ir con cuidado sobre esto.

We'll have to go about it with care.

Tendremos que quitarle la nieve al techo.

We'll have to shovel the snow off the roof.

Si cuidamos nuestra dentadura no tendremos caries.

If we care for our teeth we won't have cavities.

Tendremos que celebrar el solsticio de invierno.

We'll have to celebrate the winter solstice.

Tendremos un examen de inglés esta tarde.

We will have an English test this afternoon.

Es un riesgo que tendremos que tomar.

It's a risk we'll have to take.

Apuesto a que hoy tendremos un test.

I bet we have a test today.

Tendremos que esperar a ver qué pasa.

We'll have to wait and see.

tendremos más tráfico allí para esos términos.

we'll get more traffic there for those terms.

No tendremos ni agua, ni suelos para alimentarnos.

we're going to have no water or soil left to feed us.

Se acerca al matorral, y, entonces, tendremos fuego.

Drive that into the soft brush and then we'll have fire. Whoo.

Nosotros, como tripulación, tendremos que cambiar de avión.

We as a crew will then have to change aircraft.

Tendremos que quitar nuestros zapatos antes de entrar.

- We are supposed to take off our shoes at the entrance.
- We will have to take off our shoes before going in.

Que pena. Tendremos que comer torta de almuerzo.

That's too bad. We're going to have cake after lunch.

Este año tendremos una gran cosecha de tomates.

We have a good crop of tomatoes this year.

De aquí en adelante tendremos que gastar menos.

From now on, we'll have to spend less money.

No tenemos elección. Supongo que tendremos que andar.

We have no choice. I guess we'll have to walk.

¿Crees que tendremos una Navidad blanca este año?

- Do you think we'll have a white Christmas this year?
- Do you think that we'll have a white Christmas this year?

Me pregunto cuánto tiempo más tendremos que hacerlo.

I wonder how much time we will have to do that.

- Nunca tendremos para dejar nuestros hogares alguna vez

- We're never gonna have to leave our homes ever.

- Como no habrá paradas, tendremos que comer en el micro.
- Como no habrá paradas, tendremos que comer en el autobús.

As there will be no stops, we'll have to eat on the bus.

En el que no tendremos que andar de puntillas,

where there's no more walking on eggshells,

Así que sí, tendremos cosas como autos sin conductor,

So yeah, we'll have things like self-driving cars,

Si no, nunca tendremos tiempo para ofrecernos como voluntarias

because if not, we will never have time to be able to volunteer

Estos muros bloquean nuestra ruta directa. Tendremos que desviarnos.

[Bear] These rock walls are blocking our direct path. So we're gonna have to take a detour.

Suponemos que tendremos la mayoría de las casas listas

We assume that we will have most of the houses ready

El lunes que viene tendremos un examen de inglés.

We will have an English test next Monday.

Su oferta es muy tentadora, pero tendremos que pensárnoslo.

Your offer is very attractive, but we will have to think about it.

¡Pronto tendremos Corinthians y Boca Juniors en la Bombonera!

Soon we'll have Corinthians and Boca Juniors in the Bombonera!

Tendremos una reunión mañana a las diez, ¿de acuerdo?

We will have a meeting tomorrow at ten, okay?

Tendremos una reunión y después podemos dar un paseo.

We'll have a meeting and later we can take a walk.

Tendremos una buena cosecha si el buen clima perdura.

We'll have a good crop if this good weather keeps up.

Este tubo fluorescente empieza a parpadear. Tendremos que cambiarlo.

This fluorescent lamp is starting to flicker. We'll have to replace it.