Translation of "Pesqué" in English

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Pesqué" in a sentence and their english translations:

Ayer pesqué cinco peces.

I caught five fish yesterday.

Ayer pesqué tres peces.

I caught three fish yesterday.

Pesqué en el río Támesis.

I fished in the Thames River.

- Me agarré un resfriado.
- Pesqué un resfrío.

- I have caught a cold.
- I've gone and caught a cold.
- I've caught a cold.

- Yo atrapé tres peces ayer.
- Ayer pesqué tres peces.

I caught three fish yesterday.

- Me he resfriado.
- Me agarré un resfriado.
- Pesqué un resfrío.

- I have caught a cold.
- I've caught a cold.

Los peces que pesqué van a ser nuestra cena esta noche.

Those fish I just caught will be our dinner tonight.

- Me resfrié.
- Pesqué un resfrío.
- Me agarré un resfrío.
- Pillé un resfriado.

- I have caught a cold.
- I caught a cold.
- I've caught a cold.