Translation of "Pareciera" in English

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Pareciera" in a sentence and their english translations:

"Pareciera que Göbekli Tepe

"Göbekli Tepe seems to be

Como mejor le pareciera.

as he saw fit.

Pareciera que Tom nunca se enferma.

Tom never seems to get sick.

Pareciera que solo ayer estabas aquí.

It seems like just yesterday that you were here.

Pareciera que Tom nunca termina ninguna cosa.

Tom never seems to finish anything.

Tom siempre pareciera estar quejándose sobre algo.

Tom always seems to be complaining about something.

Pareciera que fuera ayer cuando nos conocimos.

It seems like just yesterday that we first met.

Fue planeado para que pareciera un accidente.

It was made to look like an accident.

Pareciera que sabes algo que yo no sé.

It would seem that you know something that I don't.

Pareciera que Tom está teniendo un mal día.

Tom looks like he's having a bad day.

La homosexualidad pareciera una estrategia contraproducente e improductiva.

homosexuality seems to be a real self-defeating non-productive strategy.

Tom no pareciera ser tan claustrofóbico como María.

Tom doesn't seem to be as claustrophobic as Mary seems to be.

Para que pareciera que tenía el pelo como ella.

just to pretend to have hair like hers.

De hecho, ese opuesto pareciera más posible que ocurra.

In fact, the opposite is more likely to occur.

Por la cara de ella pareciera que no había ocurrido nada.

She looks as if nothing had happened to her.

El mundo sería un lugar mucho mejor si todo el mundo se pareciera a ti.

The world would be a much better place if everyone were more like you.

El fin de los tiempos pareciera estar a algunos ticks de distancia actualmente, pero el tiempo en este reloj no refleja realmente

Doomsday seems just a few ticks away now, but time on this clock doesn’t really reflect

La visualización, una de las herramientas favoritas del psicólogo, no puede resolver todos los problemas, pero pareciera que muchos de los proclamados pensadores positivos creen que sí puede.

Visualization, a favorite tool of the psychologist, cannot solve all problems, but many so-called positive thinkers seem to think that it can.

El inventor Ferdinand Maack quería que el ajedrez pareciera una guerra moderna, con posibles ataques no solo en una superficie bidimensional, sino también desde el aire y desde debajo del agua.

The inventor Ferdinand Maack wanted to make chess look like a modern war, with possible attacks not only on a two-dimensional surface, but also from the air and from under the water.