Translation of "Nobleza" in English

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Examples of using "Nobleza" in a sentence and their english translations:

Es de la nobleza.

He is a man of noble birth.

El rey le otorgó un título de nobleza.

The king created him a peer.

Ella tiene una clase de nobleza en ella.

She has a kind of nobleness about her.

Que desafiaba a las autoridad y tomaba títulos de nobleza,

he was challenging the authorities and claiming royal titles,

La nobleza de servicio era un pilar del estado prusiano.

The service nobility was a pillar of the Prussian state.

¿Qué es nacionalismo? Es patriotismo que ha perdido su nobleza.

What is nationalism? It is patriotism that has lost its nobility.

El país era gobernado por una familia de la nobleza francesa.

The country was governed by a French noble family.

La nobleza valaca usualmente evitaba una actitud agresiva hacia el imperio otomano.

Wallachian nobility usually avoided an overly aggressive stance towards the Ottoman Empire.

La ambición es el germen del que procede todo brote de nobleza.

Ambition is the germ from which all growth of nobleness proceeds.

Esos caballeros se convierten en la nueva nobleza que únicamente apoya a Vlad.

These knights become the new nobility who support only Vlad.

El creciente poder de la nueva aristocracia mercantil empezaba a desplazar el dominio de la nobleza medieval.

The growing power of the new mercantile aristocracy was beginning to displace the medieval nobility's control.

Sin embargo, él aún goza de un apoyo importante de la nobleza en Oltenia, su base de poder.

However, he still enjoys significant support from the nobility in Oltenia, his power base.