Translation of "Otorgó" in English

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Examples of using "Otorgó" in a sentence and their english translations:

Su valiente hazaña le otorgó el respeto.

His brave deed earned him respect.

La escuela le otorgó un premio a Mary.

The school awarded Mary a prize.

El rey le otorgó un título de nobleza.

The king created him a peer.

A él se le otorgó un premio especial.

He was awarded a special prize.

UCI otorgó una carrera clásica a Alemania en 1964.

Association UCI awarded a classic race to Germany in 1964.

A cada persona se le otorgó suficiente comida y ropa.

- Each person was given enough food and clothing.
- Everyone received enough food and clothing.

Se le otorgó una beca para hacer investigación para la fundación.

He was awarded a scholarship to do research for the foundation.

Por este logro, Napoleón otorgó a Saint-Cyr su batuta de mariscal.

For this achievement, Napoleon  awarded Saint-Cyr his Marshal’s baton.

Una hazaña por la que Napoleón le otorgó una espada de honor.

a feat for which Napoleon  awarded him a sword of honour.

Berthier; el rey incluso le otorgó un rango honorífico en su propia guardia.

Berthier – the king even gave him  an honorary rank in his own guard.

Como héroes. Un Napoleón agradecido le otorgó un nuevo título, Príncipe de Eggmühl.

as heroes. A grateful Napoleon bestowed  on him a new title, Prince of Eggmühl.

Por esta victoria, Napoleón finalmente le otorgó su bastón de mariscal, el único

For this victory, Napoleon finally awarded him his Marshal’s baton – the only one

Exitosa conclusión del asedio, Napoleón otorgó a Lefebvre el título de Duque de Danzig.

successful conclusion of the siege, Napoleon  awarded Lefebvre the title Duke of Danzig.

La civilización occidental, que comenzó con el período republicano, otorgó a las mujeres grandes derechos.

Western civilization, which started with the Republican period, gave women great rights.