Translation of "Hubieras" in English

0.017 sec.

Examples of using "Hubieras" in a sentence and their english translations:

Si hubieras venido un poco antes, hubieras podido conocerla.

Had you come a little earlier, you could have met her.

- Desearía que hubieras estado ahí.
- Ojalá hubieras estado allí.

- I wish you had been there.
- I wish you'd been there.

Desearía que nunca hubieras nacido.

I wish you'd never been born.

Ojalá no hubieras hecho eso.

I wish you hadn't done that.

Ojalá hubieras venido con nosotros.

I wish you had come with us.

Desearía que no hubieras venido.

I wish you hadn't come.

Me hubieras dicho algo antes.

You could've told me about this earlier.

Ojalá hubieras podido estar ahí.

I wish you could have been there.

Mejor no hubieras salido hoy.

You'd better not go out today.

Ojalá me hubieras dicho la verdad.

I wish you had told me the truth.

Ojalá me lo hubieras dicho antes.

I wish you'd told me that sooner.

Mejor si hubieras dejado de fumar.

- You had better stop smoking.
- You'd better stop smoking.

Tenía miedo de que hubieras fallado.

- I was afraid that you had failed.
- I was afraid you'd failed.

Parece que hubieras visto un fantasma.

You look like you've seen a ghost.

Mejor que no la hubieras visto hoy.

You had better not see her today.

Mejor te hubieras quedado un poco más.

- You had better stay here a little longer.
- You'd better stay here a little longer.

Si hubieras venido ayer, habría sido estupendo.

You should've come yesterday.

Ojalá me hubieras dicho la verdad entonces.

- I wish you had told me the truth then.
- I wish that you'd told me the truth then.

Si hubieras estudiado más duro, habrías aprobado.

If you had studied harder, you would have passed the exam.

Desearía que nunca me lo hubieras dicho.

- I wish you'd never told me.
- I wish that you'd never told me.

- Si me lo hubieras dicho antes, me hubiera disfrazado.
- Si me lo hubieras dicho antes, me habría disfrazado.

If you had told me earlier, I would have dressed up.

Mejor hubieras hecho lo que yo te sugerí.

You had better do as I suggest.

Mejor hubieras dejado de fumar, por tu salud.

You had better give up smoking for your health.

¡Ojalá me hubieras contado entonces toda la historia!

If only you had told me the whole story at that time!

Con un poco más de paciencia, hubieras triunfado.

- With a little more patience, you would have succeeded.
- With a little more patience, you would've succeeded.

Hubieras fracasado si no fuera por su ayuda.

- You would have failed but for his help.
- You would have failed without his help.
- Without his help, you'd have failed.

Preferiría que no le hubieras dicho la verdad.

I would rather you hadn't told him the truth.

Actúa como si no lo hubieras hecho antes.

Act like you never did it before.

Si me hubieras llamado, habría venido para ayudarte.

- If you had called me, I would have come to help you.
- If you'd called me, I would've come to help you.
- If you'd called me, I would have come to help you.

Me gustaría que hubieras escuchado cantar a Tom.

- I wish you could've heard Tom sing.
- I wish you could have heard Tom sing.

Si hubieras ido antes, habrías cogido el tren.

If you had left earlier, you would have caught the train.

Si no hubieras tenido mi consejo, habrías fallado.

- If you hadn't had my advice, you would have failed.
- If you hadn't had my advice, you would've failed.

Yo pienso que mejor hubieras tomado un descanso.

I think you had better take a rest.

Hubiera estado mejor si no lo hubieras dicho.

It would have been better if you had left it unsaid.

Si hubieras estado atento, esto no hubiera pasado.

If you were on the ball, this wouldn't have happened.

Podría habértelo dicho si me lo hubieras preguntado.

- I could have told you that if you'd asked me.
- I could've told you that if you'd asked me.

Te habríamos ayudado si nos lo hubieras pedido.

- We would have helped, if you had asked.
- We would've helped, if you'd asked.

Mejor hubieras parado de comprar cosas a tu antojo.

You had better stop buying things at random.

Mejor le hubieras dado un alto a tu plan.

You had better call off your plan.

Si me hubieras ayudado, podría haber terminado el trabajo.

If you had helped me, I could have accomplished the work.

Mejor hubieras guardado tu dinero para los días lluviosos.

- You had better keep your money for a rainy day.
- You'd better keep your money for a rainy day.

Te ves como si hubieras visto a un fantasma.

You look as if you had seen a ghost.

Habría sido mejor si te hubieras quedado con Tom.

- It would've been better if you'd stayed with Tom.
- It would have been better if you'd stayed with Tom.

Ojalá no le hubieras contado nada acerca del plan.

I wish you had not told him about the plan.

No estaría demasiado sorprendido si hubieras visto una serpiente.

I wouldn't be too surprised if you saw a snake.

Si solo me hubieras escuchado, nada de esto hubiera pasado.

If you had only listened to me, none of this would have happened.

Si no hubieras comido tanto ahora no tendrías tanto sueño.

If you had not eaten so much, you would not be so sleepy now.

Si no lo hubieras hecho tú, lo habría hecho otro.

If you hadn't done it, someone else would have.

Ojalá no le hubieras contado esa historia a mi madre.

I wish you hadn't told that story to my mother.

Mejor le hubieras preguntado en avance cuánto va a costar.

You had better ask him in advance how much it will cost.

- Mejor no hubieras salido hoy.
- Será mejor que no salgas hoy.

You'd better not go out today.

Me gustaría que pensaras qué hubieras hecho tú en mi lugar.

I would like you to think about what you would have done in my place.

Si hubieras salido un poco más temprano, habrías evitado el tráfico pesado.

- If you had left a little earlier, you would have avoided the heavy traffic.
- If you'd left a little earlier, you would've avoided the heavy traffic.
- If you'd left a little earlier, you would have avoided the heavy traffic.

Aunque hubieras estudiado mucho no habrías aprobado el examen. Era demasiado difícil.

Even if you had studied a lot you would not have passed the exam. It was too difficult.

Que hace tu voz parecer muy calma, como si hubieras tomado mucho Valium

and it makes you sound very serene, like you've had lots of Valium,

¡Habría sido mejor si hubieras venido ayer para que mucha gente te viera!

It would have been better if you came yesterday so that many people would see you!

- Sería mejor que aprendieras inglés o francés.
- Mejor hubieras aprendido inglés o francés.

You had better learn either English or French.

No estaríamos en este lío si hubieras hecho exactamente lo que te dije.

We wouldn't be in this mess if you'd just done what I told you.

Si no hubieras seguido los consejos del doctor, en este momento podrías estar enfermo.

If you had not followed the doctor's advice then, you might be ill now.

Si me lo hubieras dicho antes de empezar ahora no estaríamos en este lío.

If you had told me that before we started, we wouldn't be in this mess right now.

- Si me hubieras ayudado, lo habría logrado.
- Si me hubieses ayudado, lo habría conseguido.

If you had helped me, I should have succeeded.

- Me habría gustado que hubieses venido a verme ayer.
- Ojalá hubieras venido a verme ayer.

I wish you had come to see me yesterday.

Si hubieras contestado el teléfono te habría invitado a la fiesta en casa de Paul.

If you had picked up the phone, I would have invited you to the party in Paul’s house.

Si me hubieras hablado antes al respecto, yo podría haber estado libre. Como sea, mañana tengo planes de volver a casa.

- If you'd told me about it earlier, I could've been free. However, tomorrow I have plans to go back home.
- If you'd told me about it earlier, I could have been free. However, tomorrow I have plans to go back home.

- Si usted me hubiera dicho la verdad, ahora yo no estaría enfadado.
- Si me hubieras dicho la verdad, yo no estaría enojado ahora.
- Si usted me hubiera dicho la verdad, ahora yo no estaría enfadada.
- Si me hubieras dicho la verdad, yo no estaría enojada ahora.

If you had told me the truth, I would not be angry now.

- Mejor me hubieras contado la historia entera.
- Tenías que haberme contado la historia completa.
- Me tenías que haber contado la historia completa.

- You had better tell me the whole story.
- You'd better tell me the whole story.

- Te ves como si te hubieras acabado de escapar de la cárcel.
- Tienes pinta de haber acabado de escaparte de la cárcel.

You look like as if you just escaped from prison.