Translation of "Haya" in English

0.015 sec.

Examples of using "Haya" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Ponlo donde haya sitio.
- Ponlo dondequiera que haya sitio.

Put it wherever there is room.

Puede que haya mentido.

He may have told a lie.

Puede que haya otros.

There may be others.

Quizá lo haya visto.

- He might have seen it.
- She might have seen it.

Quizás haya más tiempo.

Maybe there's still time.

Espero que haya suerte.

I hope it goes well.

- Quizá haya perdido el tren.
- Puede que haya perdido el tren.

- He may have missed the train.
- Perhaps he missed the train.

No creo que haya ayudado.

I don't think it really helped.

Quizá haya perdido el tren.

He may have missed the train.

No parece que haya prisa.

- There seems no need to hurry.
- There seems to be no need to hurry.

No quiero que haya malentendidos.

I don't want there to be any misunderstanding.

Puede que haya llovido anoche.

It may have rained last night.

Puede que me haya equivocado.

I may be wrong.

Puede que me haya resfriado.

I may have caught cold.

Espero que Tom haya escuchado.

I hope Tom was listening.

Niega que lo haya hecho.

He denies that he did that.

Siento que haya dicho eso.

- I'm sorry I said that.
- I'm sorry that I said that.

Necesitamos que haya más precipitaciones.

We need more rain.

No creo que haya llegado.

I don't think he's arrived.

Es probable que haya realmente

there's probably a really

Haya lo que haya, no puede ser perdonada la conducta grosera de ese tipo.

Nothing can excuse him for such rude behavior.

Y quizá haya alguno por aquí

and he is probably somewhere down here,

Que jamás haya visto la humanidad.

that we have ever seen as humans.

El que haya cultivado una planta

Anyone who has grown a plant

Ayuda muchísimo que no haya barreras.

it helps tremendously to have no barrier to that environment.

Vendré cuando haya terminado los deberes.

I'll come when I have done my homework.

Mientras haya esperanza, existe la posibilidad.

As long as you have hope, a chance remains.

Puede que le haya pasado algo.

- Something may have happened to him.
- Something might have happened to her.

Puede que Tom haya estado enfermo.

Tom may have been sick.

Puede que ya se haya ido.

He may have already departed.

Puede que él lo haya visto.

He may have seen it.

Puede que haya perdido el tren.

Perhaps he missed the train.

Puede que él la haya visto.

- He might have seen her.
- Maybe he saw her.
- Maybe he's seen her.
- Perhaps he saw her.

Probablemente haya discusiones sobre el tema.

There have probably been discussions on the topic.

Puede que haya herido sus sentimientos.

I may have hurt his feelings.

Puede que haya algo de verdad.

There may be some truth to this.

Haz lo que haya que hacer.

Do whatever needs to be done.

Quiero asegurarme de que haya suficiente.

I want to make sure there is enough.

Tal vez haya herido sus sentimientos.

I may have hurt his feelings.

Que haya paz en el mundo.

- Let peace happen in the world.
- Let there be peace in the world.

Él posiblemente haya perdido el tren.

He must have missed the train.

No creo que se haya ido.

I don't think he left.

Perdone que lo haya hecho esperar.

- I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.
- I am sorry to have kept you waiting.

Lamento que haya suspendido el examen.

I feel badly that she failed her test.

Que él haya sobrevivido fue memorable.

That he survived was remarkable.

Me gusta que no haya nadie.

I like that there's no one.

Perdona que haya destruido tu barca.

I'm sorry I destroyed your boat.

- Mientras hay vida, hay esperanza.
- Mientras haya vida, habrá esperanza.
- Mientras haya vida, hay esperanza.

- While there is life, there is hope.
- As long as there is life, there is hope.
- While there's life, there's hope.
- As long as there's life, there's hope.

- Puede que haya pasado días sin comer.
- Puede que él haya pasado días sin comer.

He might not have eaten for days.

Y posiblemente también haya otras ventajas adicionales

and that there are possibly some additional advantages

Y que ningún bienestar haya sido afectado.

and that no one's well-being is ever affected.

Quizá no haya nadie en esta sala

There isn't a person in this room

Puede que haya otras en esta sala.

There may be others in this room.

Que haya una celebración por la perfección?

that there is a kind of celebration in perfection?

Que a alguien que lo haya heredado.

than someone who has inherited it.

Puede que el doctor haya dicho eso.

The doctor may have said so.

Es posible que ella me haya mentido.

She may have told me a lie.

Puede que él haya leído la carta.

He may have read the letter.

Espero que no haya tenido un accidente.

I hope he hasn't had an accident.

Perdone que le haya hecho esperar tanto.

Sorry to have kept you waiting so long.

Es posible que Tom te haya mentido.

It's possible that Tom lied to you.

Me alegro de que te haya gustado.

I'm happy you liked it.

No creo que haya un médico aquí.

- I don't think there is a doctor here.
- I don't think that there is a doctor here.

Es un consuelo que nadie haya muerto.

It is a consolation that no one was killed.

Me alegra que lo haya recibido otro.

I am glad it was someone else who got it.

No puedo creer que te haya escuchado.

I can't believe I listened to you.

Es el mejor libro que haya leído.

It's the best book that I've ever read.

¡Espero que tu día haya sido grandioso!

I hope your day was great!

Puede que Tom ya lo haya hecho.

- Tom may have done that already.
- Tom may have done that.

País aunque no se haya declarado una

a country without declaring

Talvez la haya conocido en algún lugar.

I may have met her somewhere.

Es posible que haya tenido un accidente.

It is possible that he has had an accident.

Dijo Dios: "Haya luz", y hubo luz.

- And God said: Let there be light. And there was light.
- And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

La Haya falló a favor de Filipinas

Hague ruled in favor of the Philippines

Espero que no haya sido demasiado problema.

I hope it wasn't too much trouble.