Translation of "Colegio" in English

0.011 sec.

Examples of using "Colegio" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Deberías ir al colegio.
- Deberíais ir al colegio.

- You should get to school.
- You should go to school.

Irás al colegio.

You will go to school.

Fui al colegio.

I went to school.

Voy al colegio.

- I am going to school.
- I'm going to school.

colegio y médicos.

Volví del colegio.

I returned from school.

- Tom detesta ir al colegio.
- Tom odia ir al colegio.

Tom hates going to school.

Irás al colegio mañana.

You'll go to school tomorrow.

Siempre camino al colegio.

I always walk to school.

¿Cómo vas al colegio?

How do you go to school?

Viven cerca del colegio.

They live near the school.

Él faltó al colegio.

He was absent from school.

¡El colegio es fantástico!

School is fantastic!

¿Cómo va al colegio?

How does he go to school?

No terminaron el colegio.

They dropped out of school.

El colegio es aburrido.

School is boring.

El colegio me aburre.

School bores me.

¿Fuiste al colegio hoy?

Did you go to school today?

Ese es mi colegio.

That is my school.

Debería ir al colegio.

He was supposed to go to school.

Deberíais ir al colegio.

You should go to school.

Deberías ir al colegio.

You should get to school.

- Generalmente vamos al colegio a pie.
- Normalmente, vamos andando al colegio.

We usually walk to school.

¿Tienen almuerzo en el colegio?

Do you have lunch at school?

Prometimos juntarnos en el colegio.

We made a promise to meet at school.

Tom detesta ir al colegio.

Tom hates going to school.

Fuimos al colegio en bus.

We went to school by bus.

Entonces eran niños de colegio.

They were school children then.

Debería estar en el colegio.

I should be at school.

Nuestro colegio tiene diez clases.

Our school has ten classes.

Mi hija fue al colegio.

My daughter went to school.

Me fui del colegio temprano.

I left school early.

Voy al colegio a pie.

- I go to school on foot.
- I walk to school.

¿Los niños van al colegio?

Do the children go to school?

Los niños vienen del colegio.

The children are coming from school.

Voy al colegio en autobús.

I come to school by bus.

Voy a dejar el colegio.

I'm going to leave school.

Yo estaba en el colegio.

I was at school.

Voy al colegio en metro.

I go to school by subway.

Iba de camino al colegio.

I was on my way to school.

Mi colegio tiene una banda.

My school has a band.

Almorzamos temprano en el colegio.

We had an early lunch at school.

Llegó justo tiempo al colegio.

- He got to school just in time.
- He arrived at school exactly on time.

Normalmente camino hacia el colegio.

I usually walk to school.

Ayer, llegó tarde al colegio.

He arrived late to school yesterday.

Me gusta ir al colegio.

I like to go to school.

Ahora estoy en el colegio.

I'm at school now.

Tom está en el colegio.

Tom is at school.

Tenéis que ir al colegio.

You have to go to school.

Estoy orgulloso de mi colegio.

I'm proud of my school.

John faltó ayer al colegio.

John was absent from school yesterday.

Enseñan chino en ese colegio.

They teach Chinese at that school.

¿Vas al colegio en autobús?

Do you go to school by bus?

Él fue expulsado del colegio.

He was expelled from school.

Normalmente, voy al colegio andando.

- I usually walk to school.
- I generally walk to school.

Mañana no iré al colegio.

I will not go to school tomorrow.

Me aburro en el colegio.

School bores me.

Yo no voy al colegio.

I won't go to school.