Translation of "Fui" in English

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Fui" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Fui arrestado.
- Fui arrestada.

I was arrested.

- También fui.
- Yo también fui.

- I also went.
- I went, too.

Fui testigo, fui parte de ello.

I watched it, I've been part of it.

- Fui al zoológico.
- Fui al zoo.

I went to the zoo.

- Ayer fui allí.
- Fui ayer allí.

I went there yesterday.

- Fui cuidadoso.
- Tuve precaución.
- Actué con precaución.
- Fui prudente.
- Fui precavido.

I was careful.

No fui.

I didn't go.

Fui elegida.

I was elected,

Fui allí.

I went there.

Fui capturado.

I was captured.

Fui amado.

- I was loved.
- I have been loved.

Fui bienvenido.

I was welcomed.

Fui despedido.

I was dismissed.

Fui ofendido.

I was insulted.

Fui enmarcado.

I was framed.

Fui agredida.

I was attacked.

Fui convocado.

I've been summoned.

Fui justo.

I was fair.

- Fui al supermercado.
- Yo fui al supermercado.

I went to the supermarket.

- Fui a casa.
- Me fui a casa.

I went home.

- Fui al colegio.
- Fui a la escuela.

I went to school.

- Fui forzado a beber.
- Fui obligado a beber.

- I was forced to drink against my will.
- I was forced to drink.

- Fui a esa fiesta.
- Fui a esa pachanga.

I went to that party.

- Fui derecho al grano.
- Fui directo al grano.

I didn't beat around the bush.

- Fui allí yo sola.
- Fui allí yo solo.

I went there by myself.

Y me fui,

and then I left,

Fui bastante privilegiada.

I was privileged enough.

Y fui persistente.

And I was relentless.

También fui allí.

- I also went there.
- I also went.
- I went, too.

Ayer fui allí.

I went there yesterday.

Fui a pescar.

I went fishing.

Fui a pie.

- I went on foot.
- I walked.

Fui a Nagasaki.

I went to Nagasaki.

Fui al colegio.

I went to school.

Fui a París.

I went to Paris.

Fui de compras.

I went shopping.

Fui a Irán.

I went to Iran.

Fui muy cuidadoso.

- I was very careful.
- I've been very careful.

No fui puntual.

I wasn't punctual.

No fui honesto.

I wasn't honest.

No fui deshonesto.

I wasn't dishonest.

No fui preocupado.

I wasn't careful.

Fui al zoológico.

I went to the zoo.

Fui demasiado tímido.

I was too shy.

Fui a Boston.

I went to Boston.

Fui al banco.

I went to the bank.

Yo no fui.

- I did not do it.
- It wasn't me.
- I didn't do it.

Fui al zoo.

I went to the zoo.

¡Qué tonto fui!

What a fool I was!

Fui al río.

I went to the river.

Fui demasiado lejos.

I went too far.

Fui dos veces.

I went twice.

Fui al hospital.

I went to the hospital.

Casi fui robado.

I almost got robbed.

Sí, fui ayer.

Yes, I went yesterday.

Yo también fui.

- I also went.
- I went, too.

Fui al médico.

I went to the doctor.

Qué idiota fui.

What a fool I was.

- Ayer, fui al cine.
- Yo fui al cine ayer.

I went to the cinema yesterday.

- Ayer fui a ver películas.
- Ayer fui al cine.

I went to see the movies yesterday.

- No fui al mercado.
- Yo no fui al mercado.

I didn't go to the market.

- Nunca fui a la cárcel.
- Nunca fui en cana.

I have never been to jail.

- Ayer fui al doctor.
- Ayer fui a la doctora.

Yesterday I went to the doctor.

- No fui porque estaba enfermo.
- Como estaba enfermo, no fui.
- Como estaba enferma, no fui.

Because I was sick, I didn't go.