Translation of "¿hubieran" in English

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Examples of using "¿hubieran" in a sentence and their english translations:

Hubieran querido haberse quedado en casa.

They would like to stay at home.

Las cosas hubieran salido de forma diferente.

things might have turned out differently.

Puede que se hubieran confiado en exceso.

Perhaps they'd expected too much.

Si no se hubieran desarrollado las vacunas.

if the vaccinations hadn't been developed.

Que le hubieran llevado a un científico

that would have taken an individual scientist

¿Hubieran usado la tecnología MIDI y pequeños sintetizadores?

Would they have used a MIDI technology and little synths?

¿Les hubieran arrestado basándose en lo que pensaban?

Would they have arrested them based on what their brains revealed?

Si me hubieran querido más, yo sería diferente;

If I had been loved more, I would be different;

Así que si todos hubieran votado a Tory,

So if they had all voted Tory,

Que le hubieran puesto un oscilador había sobrevivido, nunca.

had ever been on an oscillator and survived - ever.

Si tu y tus amigos no se hubieran sentado

if you and your friends hadn't sat down

Si más personas hubieran votado, habríamos ganado la elección.

If more people had voted, we would have won the election.

Si te hubieran ofrecido el puesto, ¿lo habrías aceptado?

If they had offered you the job, would you have accepted it?

Y también, que todos hubieran votado al mismo partido.

And also, that they had all voted for the same party.

Si todos hubieran votado Tory, tendríamos un gobierno Tory.

If they all voted Tory, we would now have a Tory government.

Y luego, en seis años, se hubieran convertido en Disney.

and then, six years later, was as big as Disney.

Vaya, no hubieran querido estar en esta avioneta cuando cayó.

Wow, you would not have wanted to be in this plane when it came down.

Las cosas hubieran terminado mejor si no hubiésemos ido allí.

- Things might have turned out better if you hadn't gone there.
- Things might've turned out better if you hadn't gone there.

Si hubieran votado al Partido Laborista, tendríamos un gobierno Laborista.

If they all voted Labour, we would now have a Labour government.

No hubieran tenido ahí sus hormonas, su testosterona indicándoles qué pensar.

they hadn't had their hormones and testosterone telling them what to think.

Siento como si hubieran pasado años desde la mañana del domingo.

It seems like years since Sunday morning.

Se hubieran registrado y votado en las elecciones generales de 2010.

had registered and voted in the 2010 general election.

Pimpones verbales entre los dos, como si los hubieran planeado de antemano.

verbal ping-pongs between the two, as if they had planned them beforehand.

Fue como si nunca hubieran aprendido a tener miedo de ese señal.

It was as if they had never learned to be afraid of that cue.

Si los romanos hubieran podido localizar e interceptar al enemigo a tiempo.

whether the Romans would have been able to locate and intercept the enemy in time.

Habría sido mucho mejor si los españoles no hubieran invadido América Latina.

It would have been much better if the Spanish hadn't invaded Latin America.

Me sentí como si se hubieran levantado siete soles dentro de mí.

I felt like seven suns have risen inside of me.

Y no puedes evitar pensar que si hubieran tenido toda su fuerza, habrían ganado.

And you can't help thinking if they'd been at full strength, they'd have won.

Pero es como si hubieran pedido a Papá Noel un Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow

but it's as if you had asked Santa for a Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow

El incendio se declaró después de que los empleados se hubieran ido a casa.

The fire broke out after the staff went home.

Si ellos hubieran sabido lo que estaba a punto de suceder, ellos habrían cambiado sus planes.

Had they known what was about to happen, they would have changed their plans.

Incluso si los pernos se hubieran podido quitar a tiempo, la escotilla se abrió hacia adentro, por

Even if the bolts could have been removed in time, the hatch opened inwards, and so

Los romanos no habrían tenido tiempo suficiente para conquistar el mundo si primero hubieran tenido que estudiar latín.

The Romans would never have had enough time for conquering the world if they had first been required to study Latin.

Pienso también que si los españoles no hubieran descubierto América Latina, otros lo habrían hecho poco después de ellos.

I also think that if the Spanish hadn't discovered Latin America, others would have done it shortly after they did.

Los miembros de su tripulación se quejaban a menudo de que Cristóbal Colón acaparaba la conexión Wi-fi de su embarcación para jugar a juegos en línea, pero él negaba estas acusaciones con indignación, alegando que estaba buscando tierras lejanas que todavía no hubieran sido descubiertas.

His crew members often complained of Christopher Columbus's hogging of their vessel's Wifi connection to play online games, but he denied these accusations with indignation, claiming that he was researching faraway lands that they had yet to discover.