Translation of "Diferente" in English

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Diferente" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Eso es diferente.
- Es diferente.

- This is different.
- It's different.

Es diferente.

- This is different.
- It's different.

Eres diferente.

You're different.

diferente al teatro, diferente a la danza

different from drama, different from dance,

Que caminan diferente, que se visten diferente

who walk and dress differently,

- Es diferente para todos.
- Es diferente para todas.

It's different for everyone.

Se vuelve diferente,

It gets different,

Es considerablemente diferente.

is highly different,

Un poco diferente

a little different

Luzco muy diferente.

I look very different.

Hoy pareces diferente.

You look different today.

Eso es diferente.

That's different.

Tom es diferente.

- Tom's different.
- Tom is different.

Este es diferente.

- This one's different.
- This one is different.

Te ves diferente.

You look different.

Intentemos algo diferente.

Let's try something different.

Ciertamente es diferente.

It's definitely different.

Soy muy diferente.

I'm very different.

Porque tú piensas diferente".

Because you think differently."

La información es diferente,

Information is different,

Tiene una métafora diferente,

He has a different metaphor.

Intentaré algo diferente aquí.

I'll try something different here.

Y que hablan diferente.

who talk differently.

Pero esto es diferente.

This is different.

Hay un estigma diferente.

There's a different stigma that's out there.

Es un mundo diferente.

It's a different world.

Como un poco diferente

like a little different

En un ejemplo diferente,

In a different example,

Pero un poco diferente,

but it is a little bit different,

Tienen una estructura diferente

They have a different structure

Misma mierda, diferente día.

Same shit, different day.

Dame un ejemplo diferente.

- Give me another example.
- Give me a different example.

Es diferente para todas.

It's different for everyone.

Es diferente para todos.

It's different for everyone.

¿Esta vez es diferente?

Is this time different?

Él quiere ser diferente.

He wants to be different.

Ella quiere ser diferente.

She wants to be different.

Solo quiero ser diferente.

I just want to be different.

No quiero ser diferente.

I don't want to be different.

Me enseñaron algo diferente.

I was taught something different.

Este aquí es diferente.

- This one's different.
- This one is different.

Y suena completamente diferente.

And it sounds completely different.

Tengo una idea diferente.

I have a different idea.

Esto es completamente diferente.

This is altogether different.

Cada persona es diferente.

Every person is different.

Siempre he sido diferente.

I was always different.

Australia no es diferente.

Australia is no different.

Tom es muy diferente.

Tom is quite different.

Esta vez es diferente.

This time is different.

Siempre quise ser diferente.

I always wanted to be different.

Ella siempre fue diferente.

She was always different.

Él siempre fue diferente.

He was always different.

Pero salió algo diferente.

But something different came out.

Es un poco diferente.

It's a little bit different.

Tratando de ser diferente,

trying to be different,

Soy diferente al resto.

I'm different from other guys.

Cada país es diferente.

Every country is different.

- ¿Te das cuenta que es muy diferente?
- ¿Cachas que es muy diferente?

You realize it's very different?

- Tu método es diferente del mío.
- Tu método es diferente al mío.

Your method is different from mine.

A algo diferente para ti?

something that's different in you?

Es diferente a una computadora

So, that's different to a computer

Pero también teníamos algo diferente.

but we also had something different.

Pero de una manera diferente:

but they use it in a somewhat different way,

De pronto todo es diferente.

Suddenly everything is different.

Puesto que quería ser diferente.

which is where I just wanted to be different,

Les traigo una perspectiva diferente;

Here's a different perspective;

Que es otra palabra diferente.

which is a completely different word.

Entonces, es sobre aprender diferente,

So it’s about learning differently,

Para pensar de forma diferente

that thinking outside the square,

Y muy diferente otras veces.

sometimes a lot differently.

Y buscan un blanco diferente.

And seek a different target.

Los adornos la hacían diferente

In contrast, decorations made

Bueno, ¿por qué es diferente?

well, why is it different?

Era algo diferente. Era interesante.

This is something different. This is interesting.

De inundaciones y clima diferente.

of floods and different weather.

Luzco como una persona diferente.

I look very different.

Creía que Tom sería diferente.

- I thought Tom would be different.
- I thought that Tom would be different.

Pensé que Tom era diferente.

- I thought Tom was different.
- I thought that Tom was different.

En esta ocasión es diferente.

This time it's different.

Soy una persona diferente ahora.

I'm a different person now.

Sabía que él era diferente.

I knew he was different.

Hoy querría hacer algo diferente.

I would like to do something else today.

La pienso de manera diferente.

I think otherwise.

Tom esperaba algo muy diferente.

Tom had expected something quite different.

¿Esperabas que pasara algo diferente?

Were you expecting something different to happen?