Translation of "Aconteceria" in English

0.011 sec.

Examples of using "Aconteceria" in a sentence and their english translations:

O que aconteceria?

What would happen?

Por que isto aconteceria?

Why would this happen?

Por que isso aconteceria?

- Where did it come from?
- Why would that happen?

Você disse que isto aconteceria.

You said that it would happen.

Tom sabe o que aconteceria.

Tom knows what would happen.

- Eu nunca pensei que algo assim aconteceria.
- Nunca pensei que algo assim aconteceria.

I never thought that would happen.

Eu queria ver o que aconteceria.

I wanted to see what would happen.

Tom me disse que isso aconteceria.

Tom told me this would happen.

Você disse que isso nunca aconteceria.

You said it would never happen.

Ambos sabemos que isso aconteceria eventualmente.

We both knew that eventually this would happen.

Eu só queria ver o que aconteceria.

I just wanted to see what would happen.

Eu nunca pensei que isso aconteceria comigo.

- I never thought that would happen to me.
- I never thought that that would happen to me.

Eu deveria ter esperado que aquilo aconteceria.

- I should've expected that to happen.
- I should have expected that to happen.

Como o Tom sabia que isso aconteceria?

- How did Tom know that would happen?
- How did Tom know that that would happen?

Que aconteceria se a Terra parasse de girar?

- What would happen supposing the earth stopped spinning?
- What would happen if the earth stopped turning?

Tom prometeu que isso não aconteceria de novo.

- Tom said he wouldn't let it happen again.
- Tom said that he wouldn't let it happen again.

Tudo aconteceu exatamente como você diria que aconteceria.

Everything happened just like you said it would.

- Eu sabia que aconteceria mais cedo ou mais tarde.
- Eu sabia que isso aconteceria mais cedo ou mais tarde.

I knew it would happen sooner or later.

O que aconteceria se a Terra parasse de girar?

What would happen if the earth stopped turning?

Isso apenas aconteceria se eles ainda estivessem no país.

That could only happen if they were still in the country.

O Tom disse que isso não aconteceria daquela maneira.

- Tom said it didn't happen that way.
- Tom said that it didn't happen that way.

Talvez devêssemos considerar o que aconteceria se não fizéssemos isso.

Perhaps we should consider what would happen if we don't do this.

O que aconteceria se a Caixa de Pandora fosse aberta?

What would happen if Pandora's box were open?

Se a Terra parasse de girar, o que pensas que aconteceria?

- Were the earth to stop revolving, what do you suppose would happen?
- What do you think would happen if the earth stopped spinning?

O que aconteceria se um imenso asteroide colidisse com a Terra?

What would happen if a large asteroid struck the earth?

Tom me garantiu que esse tipo de problema não aconteceria novamente.

Tom assured me that this kind of problem wouldn't happen again.

"Eu conhecia essa crise econômica e o que aconteceria", diz esse homem.

"I knew this economic crisis and what would happen," says this man.

Você sabia que mais cedo ou mais tarde isso aconteceria, não é?

You knew that sooner or later it would happen, didn't you?

Eu gostaria de ver o que aconteceria se você tentasse beijar o Tom.

I'd like to see what would happen if you tried to kiss Tom.

Se eu soubesse que havia uma possibilidade que aconteceria, teria sido mais cuidadoso.

- If I'd only known that there was a possibility that that would happen, I'd have been more careful.
- If I'd only known there was a possibility that that would happen, I'd have been more careful.

- Eu não podia prever que isso aconteceria.
- Eu não pude prever que isso aconteceria.
- Eu não podia prever que isso iria acontecer.
- Eu não pude prever que isso iria acontecer.

- I couldn't anticipate that that would happen.
- I couldn't anticipate that would happen.

Se eu apenas soubesse que havia uma possibilidade que aconteceria, teria sido mais cuidadoso.

- If I'd only known that there was a possibility that that would happen, I'd have been more careful.
- If I'd only known that there was a possibility that would happen, I'd have been more careful.

- O que Tom previu que aconteceria aconteceu.
- O que Tom previu que iria acontecer aconteceu.

What Tom predicted would happen has happened.

Se eu apenas soubesse que havia uma possibilidade de que aconteceria, teria sido mais cuidadoso.

- If I'd only known that there was a possibility that that would happen, I'd have been more careful.
- If I'd only known there was a possibility that would happen, I'd have been more careful.

E até mesmo se ele continuasse a dizer não, o que aconteceria se eu dissesse:

and even if he still said no, what happens if I said

- Eu nunca pensei que fosse acontecer comigo.
- Eu nunca pensei que isso iria acontecer comigo.
- Eu nunca pensei que isso aconteceria comigo.

- I never thought it would happen to me.
- I never thought that it would happen to me.

O que aconteceria se duas nações poderosas com línguas diferentes - como os Estados Unidos e a China - concordassem em ensinar experimentalmente o Esperanto em escolas secundárias?

What would happen if two powerful nations with different languages - such as United States and China - would agree upon the experimental teaching of Esperanto in elementary schools?