Translation of "Choroby" in English

0.009 sec.

Examples of using "Choroby" in a sentence and their english translations:

Podczas choroby

Often when we're sick

Albo nawet choroby Alzheimera

or even Alzheimer's disease

Podczas choroby strasznie schudł.

- During his illness, he fell away horribly.
- While he was sick, he lost a lot of weight.
- While he was sick, he became very thin.

Stopniowo wychodzi z choroby.

He is slowly recovering from his illness.

Ich choroby nadal się pogłębiały.

Their heart disease still progressed.

Nie przyszedł, pod pretekstem choroby.

He did not come on the pretext of sickness.

Była nieobecna z powodu choroby.

She was absent on the ground of illness.

Jest nieobecna z powodu choroby.

- She is absent because of sickness.
- She's absent because she's sick.

Szybko wyszedł z tej choroby.

He soon recovered from the illness.

Jest nieobecny z powodu choroby.

He is absent because of illness.

Z powodu choroby rzucił naukę.

Illness made him give up his studies.

Obecnie przyczyna choroby pozostaje nieznana.

At present, the cause of the disease is unknown.

Niewielu wychodzi z tej choroby.

Not many survive this disease.

Musimy powstrzymać rozprzestrzenianie się choroby.

We should check the spread of the disease.

Istnieje poważne ryzyko wystąpienia choroby psychicznej,

are at serious risk of developing mental illnesses,

Powinniśmy sprawdzić rozprzestrzenianie się tej choroby.

We should check the spread of the disease.

Kierował firmą w czasie choroby ojca.

He managed the company while his father was ill.

Z powodu choroby musiał przełożyć zebranie.

Because of his illness, he was forced to put off the meeting.

Nie mogła przyjść z powodu choroby.

- She could not come because she was ill.
- She couldn't come because she was sick.
- She couldn't come because she was ill.
- She wasn't able to come because she was sick.

Mimo choroby wziął udział w zebraniu.

He attended the meeting in spite of illness.

Nie mógł przyjść z powodu choroby.

- He couldn't come because he was sick.
- He couldn't come on account of his illness.
- He was sick, so he couldn't come.

Mary kontynuowała pracę, pomimo swojej choroby.

Mary kept on working in spite of her illness.

Mało kto wychodzi z tej choroby.

Not many survive this disease.

Wszyscy pasażerowie dostali choroby morskiej podczas burzy.

All the passengers got seasick during the storm.

Wskutek choroby nie mógł pojechać z nami.

- Owing to illness, he could not come with us.
- Due to illness, he couldn't come with us.
- He couldn't come with us because he was sick.

Była nieobecna w szkole z powodu choroby.

- She was absent from school because of sickness.
- She was absent from school because she was sick.

Nie mógł wziąć udziału z powodu choroby.

He could not join us because he was ill.

Z powodu choroby nie wychodzi z domu.

He is confined to his house by illness.

Nie mogła przyjść z powodu swojej choroby.

- His absence was due to illness.
- He could not come because of his illness.
- She could not come because of her illness.

Nie mógł przyjść z powodu swojej choroby.

He could not come because of his illness.

Jestem wykończona z powodu choroby i pracy.

I am tired, from sickness and work.

Pierwsze objawy choroby to gorączka i ból gardła.

The initial symptoms of the disease are fever and sore throat.

Z powody choroby nie mógł kontynuować swych badań.

His sickness made it impossible for him to continue his study.

Z powodu choroby niestety nie mogłem dziś przyjść.

I could not visit today because of my illness.

Praktycznie nic nie wiemy o przyczynach tej choroby.

We know very little about the cause of this disease.

Gnuśność to przedsionek choroby, choroba to przedsionek śmierci.

Idleness is the home of illness, illness is the home of death.

Nie mogłem przyjść na spotkanie z powodu choroby.

I wasn't able to attend the meeting due to illness.

Nie mogłem pójść na przyjęcie z powodu choroby.

I could not go to the party because of illness.

Wielu ludzi wierzy, że akupunktura może leczyć choroby.

- Many people believe acupuncture can cure diseases.
- Many people believe that acupuncture can cure diseases.

Koncert rockowy został odwołany z powodu choroby wokalisty.

The rock concert was called off because the singer fell ill.

Ona nie może iść do szkoły z powodu choroby.

She cannot attend school on account of illness.

Jej odwaga podczas choroby jest motywacją dla nas wszystkich.

Her courage during her illness is an inspiration to us all.

Z powodu choroby nie mogłem wziąć udziału w przyjęciu.

Sickness kept me from attending the party.

Badacze wciąż są dalecy od zrozumienia mechanizmu choroby Alzheimera.

Researchers are still a long way off from understanding the mechanism involved in Alzheimer's disease.

Jak twierdzą dentyści, choroby zębów nie zawsze są spowodowane słodyczami.

According to dentists, decayed teeth are not always caused by sweets.

Nie ma w tej chwili możliwości medycznego wyleczenia tej choroby.

At present it is medically impossible to cure this disease.