Translation of "피난처로" in English

0.013 sec.

Examples of using "피난처로" in a sentence and their english translations:

피난처로 삼을 곳을 찾아야겠습니다

I'm gonna need something to give me some protection.

돌아가야 해요 바위를 피난처로 삼죠

[Bear] We need to go back and use that rock shelter.

이 동굴을 피난처로 이용하는 게 분명해요

So, they're obviously using this cave to shelter in.

피난처로 적절합니다 해가 완전히 지길 기다리죠

and good now just to shelter, and let the sun go down fully.

자, 어떻게 할까요? 바위를 피난처로 삼을까요? 이글루를 만들까요?

So, what are we going to do? We gonna go for the rock shelter, or make an igloo?

생물들이 더위를 피해 피난처로 삼기에 아주 좋은 환경이죠

And that makes it a great place for critters to take shelter from the heat.

이 동굴을 피난처로 삼길 잘하셨습니다 정글은 밤에 더욱 살아납니다

It's a good thing you chose this cave for shelter. The jungle comes even more alive at night.

낮의 더위를 피해 피난처로 갔던 동물들은 대부분 밤에 나올 겁니다

The animals that have been sheltering during the heat of the day, will often come out at nighttime.

여기 튀어나온 바위 아래를 피난처로 삼을 수 있겠네요 햇볕을 피할 그늘로 저 바위면 충분합니다

Look, we could actually shelter just under this little rocky outcrop. And that's all you need, just enough to get away from that sun into the shade.