Translation of "Lett" in English

0.016 sec.

Examples of using "Lett" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Terhes lett.
- Állapotos lett.
- Megfogant.

She became pregnant.

- Terhes lett.
- Állapotos lett.
- Teherbe esett.

She became pregnant.

- Tom apa lett.
- Tomból apa lett.

Tom became a father.

Közismert lett.

it became universally recognizable.

Elegem lett.

At that point, I had enough.

Színésznő lett.

She became an actress.

Boldog lett.

She became happy.

Dühös lett.

He got angry.

Szenilis lett.

He's gone senile.

Híres lett.

He became famous.

Áruló lett.

He turned traitor.

Jobb lett.

It's gotten better.

Zongorista lett.

He became a pianist.

Világhíres lett.

- He became famous all over the world.
- He became world famous.
- He became famous throughout the world.

Rosszabb lett.

It's gotten worse.

Katolikus lett.

He became a Catholic.

Titkár lett.

He became secretary.

Csönd lett.

There was a silence.

Rendőr lett.

She became a police officer.

Öngyilkos lett.

- He committed suicide.
- He killed himself.

Hányingerem lett.

I got nauseous.

Lámpalázam lett.

I got stage fright.

Terhes lett.

She became pregnant.

- Híres énekes lett belőle.
- Híres énekes lett.

He became a famous singer.

- Híres színész lett.
- Híres színész lett belőle.

He became a famous actor.

- Hogy lett énekes?
- Hogyan lett ő énekes?

How did he become a singer?

Minden ö általa lett és nála nélkül semmi sem lett, a mi lett.

All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

- A bátyám szakács lett.
- A fivérem szakács lett.

My brother became a cook.

Odament, cowboy lett,

He went out, he became a cowboy,

Hirtelen csend lett.

And it got very quiet.

Nem lett igazunk,

We were wrong,

Idővel nő lett

Over time,

Nyaki porckorongsérve lett,

Now she had gotten a prolapse from a cervical disc,

Ebből elege lett.

He was fed up with it.

Bob mérnök lett.

Bob became an engineer.

Emiatt lett dühös.

That's the reason he became angry.

Ezért lett dühös.

- That is why he got angry.
- That's why he got angry.

Tom orvos lett.

Tom became a doctor.

Tegnap öngyilkos lett.

Yesterday, she took her own life.

Tom ideges lett.

- Tom got nervous.
- Tom became nervous.

Síri csönd lett.

There was a dead silence.

Ápolónő lett belőle.

She became a nurse.

Bob lelkipásztor lett.

Bob became a pastor.

Tizenhat éves lett.

- She turned 16.
- She turned 16 years old.

Tom rendőr lett.

Tom became a police officer.

Tom vérvörös lett.

Tom turned bright red.

A menyasszonya lett.

She got engaged to him.

Lett valami következménye?

Have there been consequences?

Valami más lett.

- Something is different.
- Something has changed.

Anyagilag független lett.

He became financially independent.

Mi lett kijavítva?

What's been fixed?

Tom nagy lett.

- Tom got big.
- Tom got bigger.
- Tom has grown up.

Mikor lett vásárolva?

When was it purchased?

Nagyon könnyű lett.

It's become very easy.

Hamarosan terhes lett.

She soon became pregnant.

Tom tűzpiros lett.

Tom turned scarlet.

Tom sebész lett.

Tom became a surgeon.

Hűvös őszünk lett.

Cool fall is here.

Sokkal melegebb lett.

It has become much warmer.

Híres színész lett.

He became a famous actor.

Tom depressziós lett.

Tom got depressed.

Tom dühös lett.

Tom got angry.

Tom híres lett.

Tom became popular.

Tom menedzser lett.

Tom became a manager.

Tom táncos lett.

Tom became a dancer.

Tamás taxisofőr lett.

Tom became a taxi driver.

Tom bosszús lett.

- Tom became annoyed.
- Tom got annoyed.

Tom golyvás lett.

Tom has developed a goiter.

Tomnak honvágya lett.

Tom got homesick.

Tom óvatos lett.

Tom became wary.

Tom feszült lett.

Tom became tense.

Tom kemény lett.

Tom became tough.

Mennad öngyilkos lett.

Mennad attempted suicide.

Tamás apa lett.

Tom became a father.

Minden automatizálva lett.

Everything's become automated.

- Első lett a versenyen.
- Első helyezett lett a versenyen.

He came first in the competition.

- Néhány hiba ki lett javítva.
- Néhány hiba orvosolva lett.

Some bugs were fixed.

Minél szélesebb lett a folyó, annál lassúbb lett az áramlat.

As the river become broader, the current moved slowly.

- Házasság által lett a rokona.
- Házasság révén lett a rokona.

He got related with her through marriage.

- Mintha csak tegnap lett volna.
- Olyan, mintha tegnap lett volna.

It feels like it was just yesterday.

És így is lett.

We could.

Csend lett a teremben.

And the room fell silent.

Így lett a lemeztektonika

and the science of plate tectonics

Egy virágzó közösség lett.

its community is thriving.

úrrá lett a gyűlöletén.

he overcame his hate.

Első lett Tomi, nem?

Tom got first prize, didn't he?

Híres énekes lett belőle.

He became a famous singer.

A nővéréből orvos lett.

His sister became a doctor.

Hirtelen milyen hideg lett!

- It has suddenly got cold, hasn't it?
- It has suddenly gotten cold, hasn't it?