Translation of "Alig" in English

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Alig" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Alig ettél valamit.
- Alig ettetek valamit.

You hardly ate anything.

- Alig bírok felállni.
- Alig tudok felállni.

I can barely stand up.

Alig hallottam.

I could hardly hear him.

Alig dolgozik.

He hardly works.

Alig ismerlek.

- I hardly even know you.
- I hardly know you.

Alig esik.

It is hardly raining.

Alig ismersz.

You hardly know me.

Alig ismerte.

She barely knew him.

Alig beszéltünk.

We barely spoke.

Alig dolgozom.

I hardly work.

Alig várom.

I look forward to it.

- Menni is alig tudok.
- Alig tudok járni.

I can hardly walk.

- Alig mondott nekem valamit.
- Alig beszélt hozzám.

He barely spoke to me.

- Alig értettem valamit.
- Alig értettem meg valamit.

- I hardly understood anything.
- I hardly understood anything at all.

Alig látjuk egymást.

Well, we hardly ever see each other.

Alig maradt bor.

There is little wine left.

Alig figyeltek őrá.

They pay little attention to him.

Alig viselnek valamit.

They wear very little clothing.

Alig tudtam megérteni.

I could hardly understand him.

Alig tudok úszni.

I can hardly swim.

Alig tud olvasni.

He can barely read.

Alig vagyok éhes.

I have almost no appetite.

Alig ismerjük egymást.

We barely know each other.

Alig figyelnek rá.

They pay little attention to him.

Én alig telefonálok.

I hardly ever call.

Alig evett valamit.

She hardly ate anything.

Alig volt pénze.

- She had next to no money.
- She had almost no money.
- She had hardly any money.

Alig ismertem Tomit.

I hardly knew Tom.

Alig ismerem Tomit.

I hardly know Tom.

Már alig várom.

I can hardly wait.

Alig ismerem őt.

- I barely know her.
- I hardly know her.

Alig tud beszélni.

- She can hardly speak.
- He can hardly speak.

Alig hallom őt.

- I can hardly hear him.
- I can barely hear him.

Alig beszél angolul.

- She spoke scarcely a word of English.
- She hardly speaks English.

Alig kaptam levegőt.

I could scarcely breathe.

Tom alig mosolygott.

Tom hardly smiled.

Alig bírok mozogni.

I can barely move.

Alig tud járni.

He can hardly walk.

Tom alig lélegzik.

Tom is barely breathing.

Tom alig figyel.

Tom is hardly listening.

Tom alig mozdul.

Tom is hardly moving.

Alig hittem el.

I could scarcely believe it.

Alig tudott megszólalni.

He could barely speak.

Alig tudott felállni.

She could hardly stand up.

Mónika alig tanul.

Monica doesn't study a lot.

Alig vagy egyedül.

You're hardly alone.

Alig bír futni.

He can hardly walk.

Alig ismerem önt.

I barely know you.

Alig beszélek franciául.

I can hardly speak any French.

Alig emlékszem rá.

- I can hardly remember her.
- I can hardly remember him.
- I can hardly remember it.

Alig értettem valamit.

- I hardly understood anything.
- I hardly understood anything at all.

Alig tudtam elhinni.

I could scarcely believe it.

Alig emlékszem valamire.

I hardly remember anything.

Alig jutok levegőhöz.

I can hardly breathe.

Alig ettetek valamit.

You hardly ate anything.

- Alig mentek el a gyűlésre.
- Alig voltak páran a gyűlésen.

Only a few people attended the meeting.

Egy alig ismert királyról.

a king that was almost unknown.

Alig várom az újakat.

So I'm just looking forward to the new ones.

Hogy alig kaptam levegőt.

I could barely breathe.

Alig tudunk róluk valamit.

We barely know them.

alig 15 órára csökkent.

to fewer than 15 hours a week.

Aki alig lát valamit.

who can barely see to move.

Az elefántok alig látnak.

The elephants can barely see.

Már alig voltak tartalékaink.

we were already short on supplies.

Alig hittem a szememnek.

I scarcely believed my eyes.

Alig vártuk a bulit.

We looked forward to the party.

Alig aludtam egy szemhunyásnyit.

- I scarcely slept a wink.
- I barely slept a wink.

Alig volt időnk ebédelni.

We scarcely had time for lunch.

Alig tudom ezt elhinni.

I can hardly believe it.

Alig bírok lábra állni.

I could scarcely stand on my feet.

Alig tudok aludni éjjel.

I can scarcely sleep at night.

Alig várom, hogy megházasodjak.

I can't wait to be married.

- Alig hiszem.
- Nem hinném.

I hardly think so.

Járni is alig tudok.

I can barely walk.

Alig várom, hogy megöleljelek.

I can't wait to hug you.

Sajnos alig beszélek németül.

Unfortunately I hardly speak any German.

Tomi alig beszél franciául.

Tom can hardly speak French at all.

Tom alig kapott levegőt.

- Tom could hardly breathe.
- Tom could barely breathe.

Alig van angol könyvem.

I have hardly any English books.

Alig látok szemüveg nélkül.

I can hardly see without my glasses.

Elsietett, alig hogy meglátott.

He ran away as soon as he saw me.

Alig ismerem a várost.

I barely know the city.