Translation of "Schwerfällt" in English

0.005 sec.

Examples of using "Schwerfällt" in a sentence and their english translations:

Ich weiß, dass das schwerfällt.

- I know it's a hard thing to do.
- I know that it's hard to do that.
- I know that it's difficult to do that.
- I know it's hard to do that.
- I know it's difficult to do that.

- Ich weiß, dass es schwierig ist.
- Ich weiß, dass das schwerfällt.

I know it's heavy.

- Ich weiß, es ist schwer, das zu tun.
- Ich weiß, dass das schwerfällt.

- I know it's a hard thing to do.
- I know that it's hard to do that.
- I know that it's difficult to do that.
- I know it's hard to do that.
- I know it's difficult to do that.

Schichtarbeiter haben oft Schlafstörungen, weil es schwerfällt, am Tag ein ruhiges, dunkles Umfeld zu schaffen.

Shift workers often have problems sleeping because it's hard to create a quiet, dark atmosphere during the day.