Translation of "Garderobe" in English

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Garderobe" in a sentence and their english translations:

Meine ganze Garderobe ist maßgeschneidert.

- I have all suits made to order.
- All of my clothes are custom made.

Der Hut hängt an der Garderobe.

The hat's hanging on the rack.

Die Schauspielerin ist in ihrer Garderobe.

The actress is in her dressing room.

In jedem Theater gibt es eine Garderobe.

Every theatre has a cloakroom.

Es ist Zeit, die dritte Garderobe zu öffnen.

It's time to open the third wardrobe.

Es wird Zeit, die dritte Garderobe zu öffnen.

It's time to open the third wardrobe.

Gibst du deine Jacke an der Garderobe ab?

- Are you going to put your jacket in the cloakroom?
- Are you going to leave your jacket in the cloakroom?

Ich hole unsere Mäntel an der Garderobe ab.

- I'll pick up our coats from the cloakroom.
- I'll go and pick up our coats from the cloakroom.
- I'll get our coats from the cloakroom.
- I'll go and get our coats from the cloakroom.
- I'll grab our coats from the cloakroom.
- I'll collect our coats from the cloakroom.
- I'll go and collect our coats from the cloakroom.
- I'll go and grab our coats from the cloakroom.

- Wie gefällt dir diese Garderobe?
- Wie gefallen dir diese Sachen?

What do you think of this outfit?

Die Garderobe einer Frau ist nicht komplett ohne das "kleine Schwarze".

A woman's wardrobe isn't complete without a little black dress.

Hast du an der Garderobe einen Abholschein für unsere Jacken bekommen?

- Did you get a ticket for our jackets at the cloakroom?
- Did you get a ticket for our jackets from the cloakroom attendant?