Translation of "Deviendraient" in English

0.026 sec.

Examples of using "Deviendraient" in a sentence and their english translations:

Ils deviendraient fous pour se mordre.

They would go crazy to bite themselves.

Alors ils deviendraient faibles et donneraient naissance à des enfants.

then they would become weak and give birth to children.

Seraient classées dans des catégories distinctes et deviendraient ainsi un fétiche.

would be put into separate categories and thus become a fetish.

Les mères avaient coutume de dire à leur fils qu'ils deviendraient aveugles s'ils se masturbaient.

Mothers used to tell their sons that if they masturbated they would go blind.

Cet auteur ne comprend pas du tout pourquoi un homme et une femme qui ne peuvent devenir amants deviendraient amis.

- This author doesn't understand at all what need would a man and a woman who can't be involved in a romantic relationship have of becoming friends.
- This author doesn't understand at all why a man and a woman who can't become lovers would become friends.