Translation of "Aikonut" in English

1.623 sec.

Examples of using "Aikonut" in a sentence and their english translations:

En aikonut tappaa itseäni.

I wasn't going to kill myself.

En aikonut sanoa niin.

- I did not intend to say that.
- I didn't intend to say that.

Luulin, ettet aikonut tehdä näin uudestaan.

- I thought you weren't going to do this again.
- I thought that you weren't going to do this again.

Olin aikonut käydä hänen luonaan viime lauantaina.

I had intended to call on her last Sunday.

Tom antoi lupauksen, jota hän ei aikonut pitää.

Tom made a promise he didn't intend to keep.

Dan ei aikonut jättää Lindaa ja hänen lapsiaan rauhaan.

Dan never intended to leave Linda and her children alone.

Tuomas meni ruokakauppaan tyhjin vatsoin ja osti paljon enemmän kuin oli aikonut.

Tom went grocery shopping on an empty stomach and bought much more than he had intended.