Translation of "Sew" in Spanish

0.007 sec.

Examples of using "Sew" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

She can sew very well.

- Ella sabe coser muy bien.
- Ella puede coser muy bien.

Where did you sew them?

¿Dónde los cosiste?

Please sew these buttons on.

Por favor cose estos botones.

I don't sew their clothes.

No coso su ropa.

Mary can sew very well.

Mary puede coser muy bien.

Do you know how to sew?

¿Sabes coser?

Did you sew this by hand?

¿Lo cosiste a mano?

Mary has to sew her own clothes.

Mary tiene que coserse su propia ropa.

She asked me if I could sew.

Ella me preguntó si sabía coser.

Would you sew a button on my shirt?

¿Le coserías un botón a mi camisa?

Can you sew on these buttons for me?

¿Me puede coser estos botones?

I don't know how to sew or embroider.

No sé coser ni bordar.

I asked whether she could sew for me.

Le pregunté si podía coser por mí.

It took me several hours to sew it.

Me tomó varias horas coserlo.

I need thread to sew on this button.

Me hace falta hilo para coser este botón.

Do you have a needle to sew on these buttons?

¿Tiene una aguja para coser estos botones?

For as little as 16p an hour to sew clothes and garments.

por tan solo 16 centavos la hora cosiendo ropa.

So it's a simple process of changing from a cut and sew,

Es un proceso simple de cambiar de cortar y coser,

But being on the show has done much to sew it up for her.

Pero estar en el programa la ha favorecido mucho.