Translation of "Did" in Spanish

0.026 sec.

Examples of using "Did" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

- Did I win?
- Did you win?
- Did we win?
- Did he win?
- Did she win?
- Did they win?

- ¿Gané?
- ¿Ganó?
- ¿Ganaron?
- ¿Ganamos?

- Did you hear about what Tom did?
- Did you hear what Tom did?

¿Escuchaste lo que hizo Tomás?

- You did it!
- You did it.

¡Lo hiciste!

- Did anybody come?
- Did anyone come?

¿Vino alguien?

- Did you sign?
- Did they sign?


Did you see what I did?

¿Viste lo que yo vi?

- I did it.
- We did it.

- Lo conseguí.
- Por fin.

- Did Tom respond?
- Did Tom reply?

¿Tom respondió?

- Who did it?
- Who did that?

¿Quién lo hizo?

- Tom did it.
- Tom did that.

Tom lo hizo.

- Did you kill him?
- Did you murder him?
- Did you murder her?
- Did you kill her?

- ¿Acaso lo mataste?
- ¿La mataste?
- ¿La has matado?

- When did this occur?
- When did this happen?
- When did that happen?
- When did this come about?
- When did it occur?

- ¿Esto cuándo ocurrió?
- ¿Esto cuándo pasó?

He did.

Y él lo hizo.

did that

hizo que

- They did win.
- They really did win.

Ellos sí ganaron.

- Did you guys sing?
- Did you sing?

¿Ustedes cantaron?

Why did Tom do what he did?

¿Por qué Tom hizo lo que hizo?

Did Tom say why he did that?

¿Ha dicho Tom por qué lo hizo?

Did you really think I did that?

¿En serio pensaste que hice eso?

- No one did that.
- Nobody did that.

Nadie lo hizo.

- What did you answer?
- How did you reply?
- What did you reply?

- ¿Qué has respondido?
- ¿Qué respondiste?

- What did he say?
- What did you say?
- What did she say?

¿Qué dijo?

- Where did it happen?
- Where did this happen?
- Where did that happen?

¿Dónde sucedió?

- What did Tom get?
- What did Tom have?
- What did Tom take?

¿Qué consiguió Tom?

- Who did it?
- Who did that?
- Who did this?
- Who made it?

- ¿Quién lo hizo?
- ¿Quién ha hecho esto?

- How did it happen?
- How did this happen?
- How did that happen?

- ¿Cómo ocurrió?
- ¿Cómo sucedió?

- How did it come about?
- How did it happen?
- How did that happen?
- How did that occur?

¿Cómo fue eso?

- When did it happen?
- When did this happen?
- When did that happen?
- What time did that happen?

- ¿A qué hora pasó eso?
- ¿A qué hora pasó?

- I did it once.
- I did that once.
- I did that one time.

Lo hice una vez.

- What did you do that for?
- Why did you do that?
- Why did you do this?
- What did you do it for?
- Why did you do what you did?
- Why did you just do that?

¿Para qué hiciste eso?

What did the patients say the psilocybin did?

Según los pacientes, ¿qué hacía la psilocibina?

That's what we did. That's what we did.

Eso hicimos.

- Did you see them?
- Did you see her?

- ¿Las has visto?
- ¿La has visto?

When did you arrive? Did you arrive today?

¿Cuándo llegaste? ¿Llegaste hoy?

- Tom did it voluntarily.
- Tom did it willingly.

Tom lo hizo voluntariamente.

- Did you hear that?
- Did you hear it?

- ¿Has oído eso?
- ¿Lo has oído?

- Did you call Tom?
- Did you phone Tom?

¿Llamaste a Tom?

- Did you find anything?
- Did you find something?

- ¿Descubriste algo?
- ¿Descubristeis algo?

- Did you like it?
- Did you enjoy it?

¿Te gustó?

- When did this happen?
- When did that happen?

¿Esto cuándo pasó?

- What did he say?
- What did she say?

¿Qué ha dicho?

- Did you kill Tom?
- Did you murder Tom?

¿Tú mataste a Tom?

- Who did you meet?
- Whom did you meet?

¿A quién te has encontrado?

- Who did you see?
- Whom did you see?

¿A quién viste?

- Did it actually happen?
- Did that actually happen?

¿Esto ha pasado de verdad?

- Did you know that?
- Did you know this?

- ¿Sabías eso?
- ¿Tú sabías eso?
- ¿Tú lo sabías?
- ¿Lo sabías?

- Why did you quit?
- Why did you stop?

¿Por qué paraste?

- Did she say it?
- Did he say that?

- ¿Ella lo ha dicho?
- ¿Él lo ha dicho?

- Did you have fun?
- Did you enjoy yourselves?

¿Lo pasasteis bien?

- Did Tom do that?
- Did Tom do it?

¿Lo hizo Tom?

- I did it willingly.
- I did that willingly.

Lo hice voluntariamente.

"Did she buy a watch?" "Yes, she did."

"¿Compró un reloj?" "Sí, lo compró."

- Did you like that?
- Did you enjoy that?

¿Te gustó eso?

- Did you touch something?
- Did you touch anything?

¿Tocaste algo?

- I did surprise him.
- I did surprise her.

La sorprendí.

- He already did that.
- She already did that.

- Ella ya lo hizo.
- Él ya lo hizo.

- What did you answer?
- How did you reply?

- ¿Qué has respondido?
- ¿Qué respondiste?
- ¿Qué respondisteis?

- How did it happen?
- How did that happen?

- ¿Cómo ocurrió?
- ¿Cómo sucedió?

- I alone did it.
- I did this alone.

Lo hice yo solo.

- We did it ourselves.
- We did that ourselves.

Lo hicimos nosotros mismos.

- Did I miss anything?
- Did I miss something?

¿Me perdí de algo?

- What did you make?
- What did you do?

¿Qué hiciste?

- He did it himself.
- He himself did it.

Lo hizo él mismo.

- He did not come.
- She did not come.

Él no vino.

- We did our job.
- We did our work.

Hicimos nuestro trabajo.

- What did you answer?
- What did you reply?

¿Qué respondiste?

- Did you kiss him?
- Did you kiss her?

- ¿Le besaste?
- ¿La besaste?

Did he tell you why he did it?

¿Te dijo él por qué lo hizo?

Did she tell you why she did it?

¿Te dijo ella por qué lo hizo?

- Did you eat breakfast?
- Did you have breakfast?


- When did Tom come?
- When did Tom arrive?

¿Cuándo vino Tom?

- Did you tell him?
- Did you tell her?

¿Le dijiste?

- Did you sue them?
- Did you follow them?

¿Los demandastes?

- Did he admit it?
- Did she admit it?

¿Lo admitirá?

- Did anybody get hurt?
- Did anyone get hurt?

¿Alguien se hizo daño?

- Did you like that?
- Did you like it?

¿Os gustó?

- Did you enjoy yourself?
- Did you have fun?

- ¿Te lo has pasado bien?
- ¿Te divertiste?
- ¿La pasaste bien?

- When did this occur?
- When did that happen?

¿Cuándo ocurrió eso?

- Did it actually happen?
- Did that really happen?

¿Esto ha pasado de verdad?

- Did you notice it?
- Did you notice that?

¿Notaste eso?