Translation of "Seduce" in Spanish

0.060 sec.

Examples of using "Seduce" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

He tried to seduce me.

Intentó seducirme.

Are you trying to seduce me?

¿Intentas seducirme?

Tom tried to seduce his secretary.

Tom trató de seducir a su secretaria.

I'm not going to seduce her.

No me la voy a encarar.

I tried in vain to seduce her.

Traté en vano de seducirla.

I think that Mary is trying to seduce Tom.

Yo pienso que María está tratando de seducir a Tom.

Did you really think that you could seduce me?

¿De verdad creías que podrías seducirme?

When you are trying to seduce that gal or that guy,

cuando intentan cortejar a aquella mina o a aquel flaco,

The question is "is Trump trying to seduce the Russian bear?"

La pregunta es ¿Está Trump intentando seducir al oso ruso?

Being a language, mathematics may be used not only to inform but also, among other things, to seduce.

Siendo un lenguaje, la matemática puede ser utilizada no solo para informar, sino también, entre otras cosas, para seducir.

The trick to getting mom to agree to let you go to the party is to seduce her with a box of chocolates.

El truco para hacer que mamá acepte dejarte ir a la fiesta es seducirla con una caja de bombones.