Translation of "Previously" in Spanish

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Examples of using "Previously" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

I previously worked in wholesale.

Anteriormente trabajé en la venta al por mayor.

He arrived two days previously.

Él llegó hace dos días atrás.

And that's the previously mentioned color association.

Y esa es la ya mencionada asociación del color.

Previously people believed the earth was flat.

Antiguamente se pensaba que la Tierra era plana.

But when I tested it out previously,

pero cuando lo probé anteriormente,

Or it went against some previously established law.

o contradecía alguna ley previamente aceptada.

From this name, which the settlement previously bore .

de este nombre, que anteriormente llevaba el asentamiento .

Spain was previously under the rule of Muslims.

España estuvo antes bajo el dominio de los musulmanes.

This time, I attended the session, after previously canceling,

Esta vez, asistí a la sesión, después de cancelarla previamente,

We can come up with solutions to previously impenetrable problems.

Así, podemos encontrar soluciones a problemas que creíamos irresolubles.

The self-constituted republic of Artsakh, previously known Nagorno Karabakh.

La auto-constituida república de Artsaj, anteriormente conocida Nagorno Karabaj.

Spain and Portugal were previously under the rule of Muslims.

España y Portugal estuvieron anteriormente bajo el dominio de los musulmanes.

And began returning to the social circles I had previously abandoned.

a volver a los círculos sociales que había dejado.

What if our glaciers are much more vulnerable than previously thought?

¿Y si nuestros glaciares son mucho más vulnerables de lo que se pensaba?

For reasons mentioned previously, I have decided to resign my position.

Por las razones mencionadas con anterioridad, he decidido renunciar a mi cargo.

Tom dumped Mary's body into the hole he had dug previously.

Tom tiró el cadáver de Mary a un agujero que él había cavado previamente.

previously existing. It is a permanent forward flight and a constant added

previamente existentes. Es una permanente huida hacia adelante y un constante añadido

Tillerson's, State Secretary and previously powerful Exxon Mobbil's CEO, the biggest oil company

Tillerson, Secretario de Estado y previamente poderoso CEO de la Exxon Mobbil, la mayor petrolera

The Lannisters can no longer return all the money they have borrowed previously.

que la casa Lannister ya no puede devolverle todo el dinero que le había

If each one of this kids was previously using just one straw a day,

Si cada uno de estos niños usaba al menos un sorbete al día,

He enforces taxes on the boyars, who were previously all but free from taxation.

El hace cumplir los impuestos para los boyardos, quienes fueran previamente exentos de esto.

Global warming since 1997 has occurred more than twice as fast as previously estimated.

El calentamiento global desde 1997 ha ocurrido más de dos veces más rápido que previamente estimado.

6th Corps previously indicated to be at Avesnes, 5-day march leaving on the 9th

Los 6tos cuerpos que previamente indicaban estar en Avesnes, una marcha de 5 días partiendo el 9.

Having previously marched in a very loose formation, Flaminius' army is caught completely by surprise.

Habiendo marchado previamente en una formación muy floja, el ejército de Flaminius es tomado por sorpresa.

We have previously made a video about what the earthquake is and how it occurs

Anteriormente hicimos un video sobre qué es el terremoto y cómo ocurre

Previously, pilots lifted the nose of the plane up or down themselves and lowered it

Anteriormente, los pilotos levantaban o bajaban la nariz del avión y lo bajaban.

Such as the lithium industry, which we have also discussed previously, I have little doubt

como la industria del litio, que tenemos también discutido anteriormente, tengo pocas dudas

Previously, Mr Johnson also proposed banning the consumption of alcohol on public transport in the capital, which is believed to have reduced the crime rate on trains and buses.

Anteriormente, el Sr. Johnson también propuso prohibir el consumo de alcohol en el transporte público de la capital, lo cual se cree ha reducido la tasa de delitos en trenes y autobuses.

In this programming language, the attributes of the objects are encapsulated, so they can only be accessed by way of read and write methods previously defined in the class from which they are derived.

En este lenguaje de programación, los atributos de los objetos están encapsulados, por lo que solamente se puede acceder a ellos por medio de métodos de lectura y escritura previamente definidos en la clase de la cual se derivan.