Translation of "Worked" in Spanish

0.007 sec.

Examples of using "Worked" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

It worked.


That worked.

Eso funcionó.

Tom worked.

Tom trabajó.

- You've worked hard.
- You have worked hard.

- Has trabajado duro.
- Has trabajado hasta la extenuación.

- Tom worked overtime.
- Tom worked long hours.

Tomás trabajó horas extra.

He worked and worked until he fell ill.

Él trabajó y trabajó, hasta que enfermó.

- I worked all night.
- I've worked all night.

Trabajé toda la noche.

- He worked in Belgium.
- She worked in Belgium.

Ella trabajó en Bélgica.

It's worked for me, it's worked for him,

Me ha funcionado, ha funcionado para él,

The ruse worked.

La treta funcionó.

It worked great.

Funcionó muy bien.

He worked hard.

Él trabajó duro.

She worked hard.

Ella trabajó duro.

Tom worked overtime.

Tomás trabajó horas extra.

The tactic worked.

La táctica funcionó.

Everything worked smoothly.

Todo funcionó sin problemas.

Tom worked there.

Tomás trabajaba ahí.

That medicine worked.

Ese medicamento funcionó.

We worked together.

Trabajamos juntos.

Your plan worked.

- Tu plan funcionó.
- Su plan funcionó.
- Vuestro plan ha funcionado.

Apparently it worked.

- Aparentemente funcionó.
- Por lo visto funcionó.

That worked well.

Eso funcionó bien.

Luckily, it worked.

Afortunadamente, funcionó.

You've worked hard.

Has trabajado hasta la extenuación.

- I've never worked with Tom.
- I never worked with Tom.

- Nunca he trabajado con Tom.
- Nunca trabajé con Tom.
- No he trabajado nunca con Tom.

I worked every weekend.

Trabajaba todos los fines de semana.

None of which worked.

y ninguno funcionó.

But it worked fine.

Pero funcionó bien.

Tom worked all night.

Tom trabajó toda la noche.

The medicine worked marvels.

- La medicina hizo maravillas.
- El medicamento produjo milagros.

I worked all night.

Trabajé toda la noche.

He worked very hard.

Él trabajó muy duro.

Women worked at home.

Las mujeres trabajaban en casa.

The system worked well.

El sistema funcionaba bien.

Tom worked in Australia.

Tom trabajó en Australia.

Tom worked with Mary.

Tomás trabajaba con María.

We worked for him.

Trabajamos para él.

We worked for them.

Trabajamos para ellos.

It worked for Tom.

A Tom le funcionó.

I worked in Boston.

Trabajé en Boston.

Tom worked for Mary.

Tom trabajó para Mary.

She worked in Belgium.

Ella trabajó en Bélgica.

I worked for Tom.

Trabajé para Tom.

I've worked really hard.

He trabajado realmente duro.

He worked hard yesterday.

Él trabajó duro ayer.

The medicine has worked.

El medicamento ha hecho efecto.

I worked and studied.

Trabajé y estudié.

They worked like bees.

Ellos trabajaron como abejas.

We worked for Tom.

Trabajamos para Tom.

We worked with Tom.

Trabajamos con Tom.

This worked for Yanni.

Esto le sirvió a Yanni.

- He was tired but worked.
- Even though he was tired, he worked.

Trabajó pese a estar cansado.

- He worked for a rich man.
- She worked for a rich man.

- Él trabajó para un hombre rico.
- Ella trabajó para un hombre rico.

- He worked from morning till evening.
- He worked from morning till night.

Él trabajaba de la mañana a la noche.

- The farmer carefully worked his land.
- The farmer worked his land painstakingly.

El granjero cultivó acuradamente la siembra.

Archeologists have worked out timelines

Los arqueólogos han desarrollado cronologías

It hurt, and it worked.

Dolió, pero funcionó.

He worked with George Harrison.

Trabajó con George Harrison.

Here's how that worked out.

Y funcionó de la siguiente manera:

But somehow this worked out.

Pero de alguna manera esto funcionó.

And that worked really well.

Y eso funcionó muy bien.

But she worked very hard.

Pero ha trabajado muy duro.

worked there was very rich

trabajó allí era muy rico

I previously worked in wholesale.

Anteriormente trabajé en la venta al por mayor.

Tom worked like a madman.

Tom trabajó como un enloquecido.

He worked all day yesterday.

Él trabajó todo el día ayer.

He worked against the opinion.

Él es contrario a esa opinión.

He worked harder than ever.

Él trabajó con más entusiasmo que nunca.

He should have worked harder.

Debería haber trabajado más.

The servants worked like ants.

Los sirvientes trabajaban como hormigas.

Tom worked hard all summer.

Tom trabajó duro todo el verano.

Tom worked day and night.

Tom trabajó día y noche.

She worked through the night.

Ella trabajó toda la noche.

I never worked with her.

Nunca trabajé con ella.

I never worked with him.

Jamás trabajé con él.

I worked a lot today.

Hoy he trabajado mucho.

I worked all this week.

Trabajé toda esta semana.

My mother always worked hard.

- Mi madre siempre trabajó duro.
- Mi mamá siempre trabajó duro.