Translation of "Posture" in Spanish

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Posture" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Teaching us how to walk in a strong posture.

enseñándonos cómo debíamos caminar en una postura firme.

And they also just happen to have awesome posture

Y resulta que tienen una postura increíble

They’re more in taking a self-kind, compassionate posture,

Se hallan tomando una postura amable y compasiva con uno mismo,

If you keep using that posture, you'll become a hunchback.

Si continuas con esa postura, vas a quedar jorobada.

Today, I'm going to leave you with a powerful standing posture.

Hoy voy a dejarlos con una postura firme.

A lot of back problems can be attributed to poor sitting posture.

Muchos problemas de espalda pueden ser causados por una mala postura al estar sentado.

She puts her body into this strange posture that kind of looks like a rock.

Pone su cuerpo en una postura extraña que parece una roca.