Translation of "Clinging" in Spanish

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Clinging" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Clinging to twigs and branches

y se aferraban a las ramas.

She was clinging to her father.

Ella se aferraba a su papá.

The boy is clinging to his mother.

El niño se aferra a su madre.

Because I was desperately clinging on to my life.

mientras me aferraba a mi vida.

Roots growing over each other intertwined. Deep, clinging mud.

raíces que crecen entrelazadas unas sobre otras. Y hay mucho lodo.

We are still clinging to the dreams of our youth.

Nosotros aún nos aferramos a los sueños de nuestra juventud.

Stop clinging to your glory days, or you'll be left behind.

Deja de aferrarte a tus días de gloria o te vas a quedar atrás.

She was still clinging to the hope that her dog would be found alive.

Ella aún se aferraba a la esperanza de encontraran a su perro con vida.