Translation of "Apparently" in Spanish

0.019 sec.

Examples of using "Apparently" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

- Apparently you are right.
- Apparently you're right.

Al parecer estás en lo correcto.

Apparently it worked.

- Aparentemente funcionó.
- Por lo visto funcionó.

He discovered that, apparently,

Él descubrió que aparentemente,

Apparently ice is lethal!

¡Aparentemente el hielo es letal!

Tom has apparently died.

Aparentemente Tom está muerto.

- I apparently should've done that.
- I apparently should have done that.

Parece que debería haberlo hecho yo.

The danger is apparently over.

El peligro aparentemente ha terminado.

Apparently, the bus is late.

Aparentemente, el autobús está retrasado.

Apparently his father died abroad.

Parece ser que su padre murió en el extranjero.

The place is apparently deserted.

El lugar está aparentemente desierto.

Apparently, Tom doesn't like me.

Aparentemente no le agrado a Tom.

Apparently, Mary doesn't like me.

- Parece que no le gusto a Mary.
- Parece que a Mary no le gusto.

Tom is apparently a Canadian.

Tom es, según parece, canadiense.

You apparently enjoy doing that.

- Parece que disfrutas haciendo eso.
- Parece que te diviertes haciéndolo.

Tom apparently didn't notice that.

Tom aparentemente no se dio cuenta de eso.

Apparently, nobody listens to me.

Aparentemente, nadie me escucha.

Apparently, he became very violent.

Al parecer, se puso muy violento.

And apparently, these people do exist --

y aparentemente, existen esas personas,

Apparently he wanted to distract her.

Obviamente él quería distraerla.

Apparently, he knew everything about me.

Aparentemente él sabía todo acerca de mí.

Tom apparently believed what Mary said.

Aparentemente, Tom creyó lo que dijo Mary.

Tom apparently wants to do that.

Tom aparentemente quiere hacer eso.

I apparently made a few mistakes.

Parece que cometí algunos errores.

Tom is apparently in Boston now.

- Ahora parece que Tom está en Boston.
- Parece que ahora Tom está en Boston.

Apparently they told Bibi the same thing:

Aparentemente, le dijeron lo mismo a Bibi:

But also, apparently, you're proud of it.

sino que, por lo visto, os sentís orgullosos de ello.

apparently they're racist and they're so important.

aparentemente son racistas y se creen importantes.

When Bennigsen located Lannes’  apparently-isolated corps  

Cuando Bennigsen localizó el aparentemente aislado cuerpo de Lannes

Apparently the iPod nano has good sound.

Aparentemente el iPod nano tiene buen sonido.

Tom has apparently tried to commit suicide.

Parece ser que Tom ha intentado suicidarse.

Tom was apparently in Boston last winter.

Aparentemente, Tom estaba en Boston el invierno pasado.

You apparently didn't have to do that.

Al parecer no tenías que hacer eso.

Apparently, we have to do that today.

Al parecer, hoy tenemos que hacer eso.

Apparently, he is envious of Tom's abilities.

Aparentemente, él le tiene envidia al talento de Tom.

I used to be pretty good though, apparently.

Pero antes era muy bueno, al parecer.

Apparently, there is nothing that cannot happen today.

Aparentemente, no hay nada que no pueda pasar hoy.

That is apparently the way the world ticks.

Esa es aparentemente la forma en la que el mundo se mueve.

Apparently, the murder happened in a locked room.

Aparentemente, el asesinato se perpetró en una habitación cerrada con llave.

Apparently, Tom has been cheating on his wife.

Parece ser que Tom ha estado engañando a su esposa.

Apparently, white men have a problem finding the clitoris.

Se ve que a los blancos les cuesta encontrar el clítoris.

Collaboration has apparently paid off for both of them.

La cooperación ha dado buenos resultados para ambos.

Apparently, we'll be getting a raise within two months.

Aparentemente, obtendremos un aumento dentro de dos meses.

A single story in which a patient apparently self-cured

Una única historia en la que un paciente, aparentemente,

An apparently small event may lead to a great result.

Un aparente pequeño evento puede conducir a un gran resultado.

Apparently my bare feet bothered him more than anything else.

Al parecer, mis pies descalzos le molestaban más que cualquier otra cosa.

Tom apparently didn't do what he said he would do.

Aparentemente, Tom no hizo lo que él dijo que haría.

- I thought Tom had paid Mary, but apparently I was wrong.
- I thought that Tom had paid Mary, but apparently I was wrong.

Pensé que Tom le había pagado a María, pero aparentemente estaba equivocado.

So no, apparently I did not bring my privilege with me.

Entonces no, al parecer, no corrí con el privilegio.

Apparently in this library are precious books that money can't buy.

Aparentemente, en esta biblioteca hay libros preciosos que el dinero no puede comprar.

- I seem to have a temperature.
- Apparently, I have a fever.

Parece que tengo fiebre.

Well, apparently this is the way my work went as well.

Bien, aparentemente esta es la manera en que funciona mi trabajo.

Tom apparently didn't want to go to Mary and John's wedding.

Aparentemente, Tom no quería ir a la boda de Mary y John.

That is, they have apparently entered more of what they have spent.

Es decir, aparentemente han ingresado más de lo que han gastado.

Apparently the most used ATM in the Netherlands is in this town.

Aparentemente, el cajero automático más usado en los Países Bajos está en esta ciudad.

Tom is apparently some kind of genius when it comes to music.

Aparentemente, Tom es alguna clase de genio cuando se trata de música.

And is that apparently Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin have set good relationships,

Y es que al parecer Xi Jinping y Vladimir Putin han cuajado buenas relaciones personales,

The lake was ringed by a fence, apparently for health and safety reasons.

El lago estaba rodeado por una cerca, aparentemente por motivos de seguridad.

He was very fat, but had apparently at some time been much fatter.

Estaba muy gordo, pero parece ser que en algún momento había estado mucho más gordo.

Ney was not only an instinctive tactician, and apparently immune to fear or fatigue…

Ney no solo era un táctico instintivo, y aparentemente inmune al miedo o la fatiga ...

By the by, this ability to will fire into existence is apparently called pyrokinesis.

Por cierto, esta habilidad para crear fuego a voluntad al parecer es llamada piroquinesis.

- They've apparently got on the wrong train.
- They apparently got on the wrong train.
- They seem to have got on the wrong train.
- They seem to have boarded the wrong train.

Parece ser que subieron a un tren equivocado.

- It seems I forgot the password for this site.
- Apparently I forgot the password for this site.

Al parecer olvidé la contraseña para este sitio.

The shirt she apparently seriously thought suited me I turned down and decided to accept a light blue polo shirt.

Descarté la camisa que parecía sentarme mejor y me decidí por el polo azul claro.

They identified two brain areas with sizes that are apparently associated with the ideas and political values of an individual.

Ellos identificaron dos áreas del cerebro cuyos tamaños aparentemente se asocian a los valores e ideas políticas de una persona.

A team of British scientists has discovered what is apparently a “strong correlation” between a person's beliefs and the structure of his or her brain.

Un equipo de investigadores británicos ha descubierto una aparente "fuerte relación" entre la fe de las personas y su estructura cerebral.

They apparently have the same accent as the Tuaregs, with the same emphatic intonations (warm voices). Igwanciyen, the Guanches, the only Berbers not to have been Islamized. To meditate...

Aparentemente tienen el mismo acento que los tuareg, con las mismas entonaciones enfáticas (voces cálidas). Igwanciyen, los guanches, los únicos bereberes que no han sido islamizados. Meditar ...

The ownership of women begins in the lower barbarian stages of culture, apparently with the seizure of female captives. The original reason for the seizure and appropriation of women seems to have been their usefulness as trophies.

La apropiación de mujeres comienza en los estadios inferiores de la cultura bárbara aparentemente con la aprehensión de cautivas. La razón originaria de la captura y apropiación de mujeres parece haber sido su utilidad como trofeos.