Translation of "Acquainted" in Spanish

0.011 sec.

Examples of using "Acquainted" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

- Are you acquainted with the man?
- Are you acquainted with that man?

¿Conoces a esa persona?

Have you gotten yourselves acquainted?

¿Ya se conocieron todos?

I am acquainted with the custom.

Estoy familiarizado con la costumbre.

They became acquainted with the routine.

Ellos se hicieron a la rutina.

He acquainted me with the news.

Él me hizo saber esa noticia.

I am acquainted with the author.

El autor es un conocido mío.

He got acquainted with some villagers.

Él conoció a varios habitantes del pueblo.

He acquainted himself with his job.

Se familiarizó con su trabajo.

I got acquainted with her in France.

La conocí en Francia.

He is acquainted with many people here.

Él conoce a mucha gente aquí.

I got acquainted with him in France.

- Le conocí en Francia.
- Lo he conocido en Francia.

I became acquainted with your dad yesterday.

Ayer conocí a tu papá.

I became acquainted with your father yesterday.

- Ayer conocí a vuestro padre.
- Ayer conocí a su padre.

I am well acquainted with the subject.

Estoy bien informado del tema.

I got acquainted with him last year.

La conocí el año pasado.

I got acquainted with him three years ago.

- Lo conocí hace tres años.
- Le conocí hace tres años.

I became acquainted with her two weeks ago.

La conocí hace dos semanas.

- Tom is acquainted with Mary.
- Tom knows Mary.

Tom conoce a Mary.

He is well acquainted with the history of England.

Él conoce bien la historia de Inglaterra.

He is acquainted with the modern history of France.

Él está familiarizado con la historia moderna de Francia.

He acquainted me with the change of the plan.

Él me notificó del cambio en los planes.

I am acquainted with the chairman of the committee.

Conozco al presidente del comité.

- I'm not acquainted with her.
- I don't know her.

No la conozco.

So I am well acquainted with this type of fuel.

Así que estoy familiarizado con este tipo de combustible.

- He is acquainted with the mayor.
- He knows the mayor.

Él conoce al alcalde.

- I don't know him.
- I am not acquainted with him.

- No le conozco.
- No lo conozco.

- I am well acquainted with him.
- I know him well.

Lo conozco bien.

- He acquainted her with his plan.
- He told her about his plan.

El le hizo saber a ella su propio plan.

- I got acquainted with him last year.
- I met him last year.

Le conocí el año pasado.

It was through a first short sentence that Tom got acquainted to Mary.

Fue con una frasecita corta que Tom conoció a Mary.

I definitely want to get acquainted with Mary. I think she is very likeable.

¡Definitivamente quiero conocer a María! Creo que es muy simpática.

- He is acquainted with my wife.
- He knows my wife.
- She knows my wife.

Conoce a mi mujer.

- How did you get to know her?
- How did you get acquainted with her?
- How did you get to know him?

- ¿Cómo la conociste?
- ¿Cómo le conociste?

- I first met him three years ago.
- I got acquainted with him three years ago.
- I met him three years ago.

- Lo conocí hace tres años.
- Le conocí hace tres años.

I became acquainted with beautiful Polish women at the university in Brazil, and I also met there some very friendly people who could speak Polish.

Me familiaricé con hermosas mujeres polacas en la universidad en Brasil, y allí también conocí gente muy amable que hablaba polaco.

- How did you get to know about her?
- How did you get acquainted with her?
- How did you meet her?
- How did you first meet her?

¿Cómo supiste de ella?

- He acquainted me with the change of the plan.
- He told me about the change in the plan.
- He informed me about the changes in the plan.

Él me notificó del cambio en los planes.

- How did you come to know her?
- How did you get to know her?
- How did you get acquainted with her?
- How did you meet her?
- How did you first meet her?

- ¿Cómo la conociste?
- ¿Cómo llegaste a conocerla?