Translation of "Gotten" in Spanish

0.012 sec.

Examples of using "Gotten" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

- What's gotten into you?
- What's gotten into you anyway?
- What's gotten into you lately?

¿Qué se te ha metido?

I've gotten better.

Estoy mejor.

It's gotten dark.

Ha oscurecido.

You've gotten fat.


It's gotten better.

Ha mejorado.

You've gotten better.

Te has vuelto mejor.

- We should have gotten married.
- We should've gotten married.

- Debimos habernos casado.
- Deberíamos habernos casado.

- That's better.
- It's gotten better.
- It's improved.
- I've gotten better.

Ha mejorado.

He has gotten fat.

Él ha engordado.

- I thought you'd gotten lost.
- I thought that you'd gotten lost.

Pensé que te habías perdido.

We've gotten along pretty well.

hemos convivido muy bien con él.

I might have gotten angry.

Quizás enojado.

My desktop has gotten cluttered.

Mi escritorio se ha llenado completamente de cosas.

Have you gotten yourselves acquainted?

¿Ya se conocieron todos?

I would have gotten conceited.

Yo habría sido arrogante.

- It's gotten better.
- It's improved.

Está mejorado.

I guess I've gotten lazy.

Supongo que me he vuelto más perezoso.

I haven't gotten dressed yet.

Todavía no me vestí.

- That's better.
- It's gotten better.


We still haven't gotten married.

Todavía no estamos casados.

I shouldn't have gotten involved.

- No debí meterme.
- No debería haberme involucrado.

What has gotten into you?

¿Qué mosca te picó?

I haven't gotten enough sleep.

No he dormido bastante.

- I've gotten better.
- I've improved.

He mejorado.

What's gotten you so sad?

¿Qué te entristece tanto?

- I wish I hadn't gotten married.
- I wish that I hadn't gotten married.

Ojalá no me hubiera casado.

We haven't gotten drastically more inventive.

No es que de pronto seamos más creativos.

How many views have I gotten?

¿Cuántas visitas he obtenido?

- You've grown fat.
- You've gotten fat.

- Engordaste.
- Has engordado.

- It's gotten dark.
- It's become dark.

Ha oscurecido.

- Are you married?
- You've gotten hitched?

¿Estás casado?

And so the network’s gotten bigger.

Así, las redes se han hecho más grandes.

Since then, things have only gotten better.

Desde entonces, las cosas solo han mejorado.

So, now that I've gotten your attention,

Así pues ahora que tengo su atención,

Having just gotten off a transatlantic flight,

Habiendo bajado de un vuelo transatlántico,

Actually, I haven't gotten any letters yet.

La verdad es que aún no he recibido ninguna carta.

It has suddenly gotten cold, hasn't it?

Ha empezado a hacer frío repentinamente, ¿verdad?

- How you've grown!
- How big you've gotten!

¡Cómo has crecido!

We have just gotten to first base.

Solo hemos llegado a darnos besos.

It looks like we've gotten ourselves lost.

Parece que nos hemos perdido.

I've never gotten on a plane yet.

Jamás he estado en un avión.

- Tom got married.
- Tom has gotten married.

Tom se casó.

Looks like the weather's gotten worse, eh?

Parece que el tiempo ha empeorado, ¿verdad?

- Tom got fatter.
- Tom has gotten fat.

Tom engordó.

- Tom got younger.
- Tom has gotten younger.

Tom está más joven.

He's gotten rid of all his money.

Ha acabado con todo su dinero.

I shouldn't have gotten up so early.

No debí haberme levantado tan temprano.

She bragged about having gotten a boyfriend.

Ella presumía de haberse echado novio.

I should've gotten up earlier this morning.

Debí haberme levantado más temprano esta mañana.

I've gotten used to living by myself.

- Me he habituado a vivir solo.
- Me he habituado a vivir por mi cuenta.

- I wish I hadn't gotten married so young.
- I wish that I hadn't gotten married so young.

Ojalá no me hubiera casado tan joven.

- I should have got that promotion.
- I should've gotten that promotion.
- I should have gotten that promotion.

Tenía que haber conseguido ese ascenso.

- I wish I hadn't gotten married.
- I wish that I hadn't gotten married.
- I wish I wasn't married.

Ojalá no me hubiera casado.

To see if your book had gotten here,

para ver si ya había llegado tu libro,

Have gotten things wrong in a big way.

se han equivocado mucho en cosas muy importantes.

But could we have gotten to Dana faster?

Pero, ¿pudimos rescatarla más rápido?

Who before I had gotten on the bench

quien antes de llegar al banquillo

And you had gotten a salad spinner instead.

y en su lugar, te hubiera dado una ensaladera.

Without the map, he would have gotten lost.

Sin el mapa, él se habría perdido.

- I've just gotten home.
- I've just come home.

Acabo de llegar a casa.

Have you gotten used to living in Boston?

¿Ya te acostumbraste a vivir en Boston?

Have you ever gotten stuck in an elevator?

¿Alguna vez te has quedado atrapado en el ascensor?

The thing about me is I've gotten decent

Lo que pasa es que me he vuelto decente

When what you've gotten wrong could affect your livelihood,

cuando lo que salió mal puede afectar tu sustento

And so we've shunned people who've gotten things wrong.

y hemos rechazado a las personas que se han equivocado.

I had just gotten through a very bad year.

tuve un muy mal año.

Corporations have gotten drastically better at gaming the system.

Las empresas se han vuelto más creativas con sus estrategias.

Miss Brown has gotten used to eating Japanese food.

La señorita Brown se ha acostumbrado a la comida japonesa.

Have you gotten used to living in the dorm?

¿Te has acostumbrado a vivir en la residencia?

- I shouldn't have interfered.
- I shouldn't have gotten involved.

Yo debería haber quedado fuera de eso.

If I'd stayed any longer, I would've gotten bored.

Si me hubiera quedado más tiempo, me habría aburrido.

I asked Tom why he had never gotten married.

Pregunté a Tom por qué no se había casado nunca.

- I am hungry.
- I got hungry.
- I've gotten hungry.

¡Tengo hambre!

Of ones who like have gotten press or networked,

Or to address some legal spat you've gotten yourself into

o para abordar un tema legal en el que se metieron

I haven't gotten that much rest in a long time,

No he descansado tanto en mucho tiempo,

And now I've gotten back up and rejoined the fight,

Y ahora conseguí levantarme y me reincorporé a la lucha.

Now she had gotten a prolapse from a cervical disc,

Tuvo entonces un prolapso de disco cervical

When I woke up, all other passengers had gotten off.

Cuando desperté, el resto de los pasajeros habían bajado.

It's gotten dark. Please turn on the light for me.

Se ha puesto oscuro. Por favor, enciende la luz por mí.

It's gotten cold. Be careful you don't catch a cold.

Se está poniendo helado. ¡Cuídate, para que no te resfríes!

All my clothes have gotten dirty since I've been here.

Desde que estoy aquí, se me ha ensuciado toda la ropa.

Humans wouldn't have gotten where they are without opposable thumbs.

El ser humano no habría llegado hasta donde está sin pulgares oponibles.

- Did you suddenly get sick?
- Have you suddenly gotten sick?

¿Te enfermaste de repente?