Translation of "Stretching" in Portuguese

0.009 sec.

Examples of using "Stretching" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

- I think that's stretching it.
- I think that that's stretching it.

Eu acho que isso está ampliando.

I was just stretching my legs.

Eu só estava esticando as pernas.

I like doing stretching exercises at dusk.

Gosto de fazer alongamentos no fim da tarde.

It's sort of exploding, it's stretching out the piece,

Como se explodisse, ele estende a música,

Dragged by her tresses from Minerva's fane, / Cassandra comes, the Priameian maid, / stretching to heaven her burning eyes in vain, / her eyes, for bonds her tender hands constrain.

Já da casa de Príamo a princesa / Cassandra, desde o santuário, era arrastada / para fora do templo de Minerva, / a cabeleira em desalinho, aos céus em vão / erguendo os olhos plenos de ira e de aflição: / os olhos, pois as mãos finas estavam / atadas.

But he, stretching forth his right hand, put it upon the head of Ephraim, the younger brother; and the left upon the head of Manasses, who was the elder, changing his hands.

Israel, porém, estendeu os braços e, cruzando-os, pôs a mão direita sobre a cabeça de Efraim, embora fosse o mais moço, e a mão esquerda sobre a cabeça de Manassés, que era o mais velho.

- With a sudden chill weakening every part of his body, Aeneas groans and, stretching both hands to the stars, cries out thus: "O thrice and four times blessed, whose lot it was to perish before the faces of their fathers under the high walls of Troy!"
- Then AEneas' limbs with fear / were loosened, and he groaned and stretched his hands in prayer. / "Thrice, four times blest, who, in their fathers' face / fell by the walls of Ilion far away!"

Logo Eneias / sente de horror um calafrio estremecê-lo. / A própria sorte deplorando, ele ergue aos astros / ambas as mãos e pronuncia estas palavras: / “Ó mil vezes felizes, todos vós, / que a fortuna tivestes de encontrar, / de vossos pais à vista ante as muralhas / da altiva Troia, a morte!"