Translation of "Remarks" in Portuguese

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Remarks" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

Withdraw your remarks!

Retire as suas palavras!

I got very annoyed at her remarks.

Eu fiquei bem chateado com os comentários dela.

Please keep your cynical remarks to yourself.

Imploro-te que guardes as tuas observações cínicas para ti mesmo.

His remarks on the subject are much to the point.

Seus comentários sobre o assunto são muito diretos ao ponto.

"The economy has opened up a faultline in the Atlantic," announces La Stampa, reporting on the impact of recent remarks by Barack Obama which imply that the poor management of the Eurozone crisis is to blame for the feeble outlook for growth in the US.

“A economia afasta as duas margens do Atlântico”: é assim que La Stampa resume as consequências das recentes declarações de Barack Obama, segundo as quais as fracas perspetivas de crescimento dos EUA ficam a dever-se à má gestão da crise da zona euro.