Translation of "Pursued" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Pursued" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

The detectives pursued him.

Os detetives o perseguiram.

The cat has pursued the mouse.

O gato persegui o rato.

The police and the FBI pursued several leads.

A polícia e o FBI seguiram várias pistas.

They by the path their forward steps pursued, / and climbed a hill, whose fronting summit frowned / steep o'er the town.

Os dois amigos, enquanto isso, percorreram / rapidamente a senda que os guiava, / e já subiam a colina que se eleva / dominando a cidade e que de cima / olha a fronteira fortaleza.

And he took his brethren with him, and pursued after him seven days; and overtook him in the mount of Galaad.

Labão reuniu sua gente e perseguiu Jacó por sete dias, até alcançá-lo no monte Galaad.

And the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh, king of Egypt, and he pursued the children of Israel; but they were gone forth in a mighty hand.

O Senhor endureceu o coração do faraó, o rei do Egito, que saiu em perseguição aos israelitas; mas estes estavam sob a proteção de um poder excelso.

Hercules, an ancient Greek hero celebrated for his superhuman strength, was pursued throughout his life by the hatred of Juno, the goddess of birth, matrimony and care, worshiped as queen of gods by the Romans.

Hércules, um antigo herói grego celebrado por sua força sobre-humana, foi perseguido por toda a vida pelo ódio de Juno, a deusa do nascimento, do matrimônio e do cuidado, adorada pelos romanos como rainha dos deuses.

During his captivity he made a promise to the pirates that he would eventually kill them. The pirates thought that this was only a joke. After he was ransomed, Caesar pursued and captured the pirates and ordered their crucifixion.

Durante seu cativeiro ele garantiu aos piratas que haveria de matá-los. Os piratas acharam que isso era simplesmente uma piada. Quando foi resgatado, César perseguiu e capturou os piratas e mandou que os crucificassem.

And Jacob being angry said in a chiding manner: For what fault of mine, and for what offence on my part hast thou so hotly pursued me, and searched all my household stuff? What hast thou found of all the substance of thy house? lay it here before my brethren, and thy brethren, and let them judge between me and thee.

Jacó irritou-se e discutiu com Labão, dizendo-lhe: Qual é o meu crime? Que pecado cometi, para assim me perseguires? Depois de vasculhares tudo o que me pertence, que achaste de teu? Apresenta-o aqui na frente dos meus parentes e dos teus, para que eles julguem entre nós dois.