Translation of "Pub" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Pub" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

I serve pub food to Canadian customers.

Eu sirvo comida de bar para clientes canadenses.

Mr. Cameron forgot his daughter at the pub.

O sr. Cameron esqueceu a filha na taverna.

One won’t hear much music in that pub.

Não se poderá escutar música naquela taberna.

"Let's have one for the road!", Tom told his friend at the pub.

"Vamos tomar a saideira!", Tom disse a seus amigos no bar.

In the evening the friends go to the village pub for a drink.

À tarde os amigos dirigem-se à hospedaria da aldeia para beber.

The landlord thought to himself: "I could do with a chef like that in my pub!"

O senhorio pensou: "Um cozinheiro como esse seria útil no meu bar!"