Translation of "Him…" in Portuguese

0.018 sec.

Examples of using "Him…" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

- Release him.
- Release him!


- Catch him.
- Catch him!

- Pegue-o.
- Peguem-no.
- Detenham-no.

- Shadow him.
- Follow him.

- Siga-o.
- Sigam-no!
- Segue-o.

- Get him!
- Catch him.
- Catch it!
- Get him.


- All who knew him admired him.
- Everyone who knew him admired him.

Todos que o conheciam o admiravam.

- Everybody likes him.
- Everybody loves him.
- Everyone loves him.

Todos o amam.

She hugged him and told him she loved him.

Ela o abraçou e disse que o amava.

- Please call him up.
- Please telephone him.
- Please phone him.
- Please call him.

Por favor, liguem para ele.

- I did see him.
- I saw him.
- I've seen him.

Eu o vi.

- Catch him.
- Take it!
- Catch him!


- She adores him.
- She worships him.

Ela o adora.

- Please call him.
- Please, call him.

Por favor, ligue para ele.

- It wasn't him.
- That wasn't him.

Não foi ele.

- Cuff him.
- Put handcuffs on him.


Those who know him like him.

Quem o conhece gosta dele.

- Everybody loves him.
- Everyone loves him.

Todo mundo gosta dele.

- I outwitted him.
- I outsmarted him.

Eu o ludibriei.

- Don't deceive him.
- Don't cheat him.

Não o engane.

- She defeated him.
- She beat him.

Ela o derrotou.

Everyone who knows him respects him.

Todos que o conhecem o respeitam.

- Please call him up.
- Please telephone him.
- Please call him.
- Please give him a call.

Por favor, ligue para ele.

She wrote to him to tell him that she loved him.

Ela lhe escreveu para dizer que o amava.

- She felt an aversion to him.
- She hated him.
- She disliked him.
- She didn't like him.

Ela não gostou dele.

See him?

Está a vê-la?

Got him.


Seize him!


That's him.

É ele.

Grab him.

- Agarre-o.
- Agarrem-no.

Forget him.


Help him.


Follow him.


Watch him.

- Observa-o.
- Repara nele.

- Leave him alone.
- Leave him in peace.

Deixe-o em paz.

- She rejected him.
- She turned him down.

Ela o rejeitou.

She followed him home; then killed him.

Ela o seguiu até em casa e então o matou.

- She forgave him.
- She has forgiven him.

Ela o perdoou.

She told him that she loved him.

Ela lhe disse que o amava.

She told him she didn't trust him.

Ela contou a ele que não confia nele.

I told him that I loved him.

Eu disse a ele que o amava.

- You may catch him.
- You may meet him.
- You might meet him.

Pode ser que você o encontre.

- I gave him a call.
- I called him up.
- I phoned him.

Eu liguei para ele.

- I recognised him immediately.
- I recognized him right away.
- I identified him immediately.

Eu o identifiquei imediatamente.

- I take sides with him.
- I'm with him.

Estou com ele.

- Please telephone him.
- Please give him a call.

Ligue para ele, por favor.

- Nobody believes in him.
- No one believes him.

Ninguém acredita nele.

- Don't listen to him.
- Don't listen to him!

Não o escute.

- She cannot stop him.
- She can't stop him.

Ela não pode detê-lo.

- They cannot stop him.
- They can't stop him.

- Eles não podem detê-lo.
- Elas não podem detê-lo.

- I cannot stop him.
- I can't stop him.

Não posso detê-lo.

- I really like him!
- I really like him.

Eu gosto mesmo dele.

I repaid him the money I owed him.

Devolvi-lhe o dinheiro que lhe devia.

- You're afraid of him.
- They're afraid of him.

- Eles têm medo dele.
- Elas têm medo dele.
- O senhor tem medo dele.
- A senhora tem medo dele.
- As senhoras têm medo dele.
- Os senhores têm medo dele.

- I'm gonna shoot him.
- I will shoot him.

Eu vou atirar nele.

- I saw him cry.
- I saw him crying.

- Vi-o chorar.
- Eu a vi chorar.

- I'll kill him.
- I'm going to kill him.

- Eu vou matá-lo.
- Eu o matarei.
- Vou matá-lo.

- Give that to him.
- Give this to him.

Dê isso a ele.

I heard him, but I didn't understand him.

Eu o escutei, mas não o entendi.

- I gave him a call.
- I phoned him.

- Eu liguei para ele.
- Liguei para ele.

She told him that she didn't love him.

Ela lhe disse que não o amava.

She walked past him without even noticing him.

Ela passou por ele sem ao menos notar sua presença.

- Have you met him?
- Did you meet him?

Você conheceu ele?

- She married him.
- She got married to him.

Casou-se com ele.

- Did you kill him?
- Did you murder him?

Você o matou?

- I glanced at him.
- I gazed at him.

Eu olhei para ele.

- I'll meet him.
- I'm going to meet him.

Vou me encontrar com ele.

And they'll promote him, they'll talk about him

Eles o promovem, falam sobre ele

- I must help him.
- I need to help him.
- I have to help him.
- I've got to help him.

Devo ajudá-lo.

- Has anybody spoken with him?
- Has anyone talked to him?
- Has anybody talked to him?
- Has anyone spoken to him?
- Has anybody spoken to him?

Alguém falou com ele?

- Keep watch on him.
- Keep an eye on him.
- Keep your eye on him.

Fique de olho nele.

- He is liked by everybody.
- Everybody likes him.
- Everybody loves him.
- Everyone loves him.

Todos o amam.

- You can rely on him.
- You may rely on him.
- You can trust him.

Tu podes confiar nele.

But they that held darts, provoked him, and quarrelled with him, and envied him.

Os inimigos o atacam com violência e o perseguem com seus arcos e flechas.

- Can I speak to him?
- May I speak with him?
- May I talk to him?
- Can I talk to him?

Posso falar com ele?

- I've already spoken with him.
- I've already talked to him.
- I've already spoken to him.
- I already spoke to him.

Eu já falei com ele.

We'll take him.


They asked him.

- Perguntaram-lhe.
- Elas o perguntaram.
- Eles lhe perguntaram.

Betty killed him.

Betty o matou.

I know him.

Eu conheço-o.

I'll kill him.

- Eu vou matá-lo.
- Eu o matarei.

Give him time.

Dê a ele algum tempo.

Have him come.

Diga-lhe que venha.

You hurt him.

- Você o feriu.
- Tu o feriste.

She despised him.

Ela me desprezava.

Don't obey him.

Não lhe obedeça.