Translation of "Envelope" in Portuguese

0.005 sec.

Examples of using "Envelope" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

Tom sealed the envelope.

Tom selou o envelope.

I need an envelope.

Eu preciso de um envelope.

Tom opened the envelope.

Tom abriu o envelope.

What's in the envelope?

O que há no envelope?

He cut the envelope open.

Ele abriu o envelope.

Do you need an envelope?

- Você precisa de um envelope?
- Vocês precisam de um envelope?

Please give me an envelope.

Por favor, me dê um envelope.

I handed Tom the envelope.

Eu entreguei o envelope a Tom.

What was in the envelope?

O que tinha dentro do envelope?

Tom didn't open the envelope.

Tom não abriu o envelope.

I need a larger envelope.

Eu preciso de um envelope maior.

- Tom handed Mary a small envelope.
- Tom handed a small envelope to Mary.

Tom entregou um pequeno envelope para Mary.

The letter is inside the envelope.

A carta está dentro do envelope.

An envelope and a stamp, please.

Um envelope e um selo, por favor.

Stick a stamp on the envelope.

Cole um selo no envelope.

She gave me a sealed envelope.

Ela me deu um envelope fechado.

He handed her a sealed envelope.

Ele entregou a ela um envelope fechado.

Tom handed Mary a large envelope.

Tom entregou para Mary um envelope grande.

She handed an envelope to him.

Ela entregou um envelope a ele.

Are you going to open the envelope?

Você vai abrir o envelope?

Tom put the envelope on the table.

Tom pôs o envelope sobre a mesa.

Tom put an envelope on Mary's desk.

Tom colocou um envelope na mesa de Mary.

Aren't you going to open the envelope?

Você não vai abrir o envelope?

The documents are in a blue envelope.

- Os documentos estão num envelope azul.
- Os documentos estão em um envelope azul.

- I forgot to attach a stamp to the envelope.
- I forgot to put a stamp on the envelope.

Esqueci de colocar um selo sobre o envelope.

He opened the envelope only to be disappointed.

Ele abriu o envelope apenas para se desapontar.

He finally delivered the envelope to his wife.

Por fim, entregou à esposa o envelope.

Open the envelope carefully so it doesn't tear.

Abra o envelope com cuidado para não rasgar.

The secretary put the letter into the envelope.

A secretária colocou a carta no envelope.

Write your name and address on this envelope.

Escreva seu nome e endereço neste envelope.

I wrote the wrong address on the envelope.

Eu escrevi o endereço errado no envelope.

Tom handed the envelope full of cash to Mary.

Tom entregou o envelope cheio de dinheiro à Mary.

I forgot to write the address on the envelope.

Eu esqueci de escrever o endereço no envelope.

I've written his address on the back of the envelope.

O escrevi o endereço dele atrás do envelope.