Translation of "Dismay" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Dismay" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

"Some with wonder and dismay / the maid Minerva's fatal gift survey."

"Muitos pasmavam diante do cavalo / de incríveis dimensões, presente oferecido, / supunha-se, a Minerva, a casta deusa, / mas, na verdade, para nós funesto."

As one who, in a tangled brake apart, / on some lithe snake, unheeded in the briar, / hath trodden heavily, and with backward start / flies, trembling at the head uplift in ire / and blue neck, swoln in many a glittering spire. / So slinks Androgeus, shuddering with dismay.

Qual aquele / que, incauto, entre silvados espinhosos, / numa serpente pisa e trêmulo se afasta / do réptil, que, assanhado, ergue a cabeça / e incha o pescoço peçonhento; bem assim, / horrorizado por nos ver, recua Andrógeos.