Translation of "Deities" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Deities" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

Osiris, Anubis, and Horus are some of the most famous ancient Egyptian deities.

Osíris, Anúbis e Hórus são algumas das divindades egípcias mais famosas.

Dread shapes and forms terrific loomed in sight, / and hostile deities, whose faces frowned / destruction.

Terríficos espectros me aparecem: / são grandes numes incitados contra Troia.

O native land! O Ilion, now betrayed! / Blest home of deities, in war renowned! / Four times beside the very gate 'twas stayed; / four times within the womb the armour clashed and brayed.

Ó minha pátria, ó Ílio tão querida, / com todos os teus templos e teus deuses! / Ó gloriosas muralhas dos dardânios! / Quatro vezes à entrada se deteve / o cavalo e em seu bojo quatro vezes / armas entrechocando-se tiniram.

"My name / is good AEneas; from the flames and foe / I bear Troy's rescued deities. My fame / outsoars the stars of heaven; a Jove-born race, we claim / a home in fair Italia far away."

"Sou Eneias; / aos deuses fiel, conduzo em minha frota / os Penates troianos resgatados / do inimigo; meu nome é proclamado / em toda parte e já chegou aos astros. / Vou em busca da Itália, a terra de meus pais; / do deus supremo, Júpiter, descendo".

- He also suffered many things in war, while he strove to found a city, and to bear his gods to Latium: from this place arose the Latin race, the Alban fathers, and the walls of exalted Rome.
- Yea, and more, / in war enduring, ere he built a home, / and his loved household-deities brought o'er / to Latium, whence the Latin people come, / whence rose the Alban sires, and walls of lofty Rome.

Muito sofreu também na guerra que no Lácio / travou para fundar uma cidade, / onde os teucros penates abrigasse, / dali provindo a raça dos latinos, / os reis albanos e a altaneira Roma.