Translation of "Chanced" in Portuguese

0.158 sec.

Examples of using "Chanced" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

With cornel shrubs and many a prickly spear / of myrtle crowned, it chanced a mound was near.

Bem perto havia um cômoro, coberto / de rebentos de brava cerejeira / e ramalhuda murta em densa moita.

- It chanced that we were both traveling on the same train.
- Both of us were travelling on the same train by chance.

Nós dois viajávamos no mesmo trem por acaso.

Within a grove Andromache that day, / where Simois in fancy flowed again, / her offerings chanced at Hector's grave to pay, / a turf-built cenotaph, with altars twain, / source of her tears and sacred to the slain – / and called his shade.

Num bosque à entrada da cidade, à margem / de um novo Xanto, Andrômaca ofertava / funéreos dons, solenes iguarias, / às cinzas do finado esposo e lhe evocava / os manes junto ao túmulo vazio, / de verde relva, e aos dois altares consagrados / aos seus pranteados Astianaz e Heitor.

'If the name / of Palamedes thou hast chanced to hear, / old Belus' progeny, if ever came / to thee or thine in talk the rumour of his fame, / whom, pure of guilt, on charges false and feigned, / wroth that his sentence should the war prevent, / by perjured witnesses the Greeks arraigned, / and doomed to die, but now his death lament.'

"Talvez a fama / tenha feito chegar aos teus ouvidos / o nome ilustre de um rebento da família / de Belo: Palamedes, que os pelasgos, / sob o pretexto de traição – fundado em prova / forjada de má fé –, porque ele à guerra / se opunha, à morte sentenciaram; hoje choram / arrependidos o inocente à luz roubado."