Translation of "Acquire" in Portuguese

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Acquire" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

He would acquire mortgage companies,

Ele comprava empresas de hipotecas...

But it's really hard unless you acquire

Mas é muito difícil a não ser que você consiga

One can acquire this book only in a store.

Este livro só está disponível nas lojas.

It takes approximately 10,000 hours of study to acquire a language thoroughly.

Leva aproximadamente 10.000 horas de estudo para adquirir um idioma completamente.

It was costing them a few hundred dollars to acquire a customer.

Estava custando algumas centenas de dólares para adquirir um cliente.

- If I had the money, I would immediately acquire this computer.
- If I had the money, I would immediately buy this computer.
- Had I the money, I would immediately acquire this computer.
- If I had the money, I would immediately purchase this computer.

Se eu tivesse dinheiro, compraria este computador imediatamente.

- It takes approximately 10,000 hours of study to acquire a language thoroughly.
- The thorough acquisition of a language requires about 10,000 hours of study.

A aquisição completa de um idioma requer cerca de 10.000 horas de estudo.

- If I had the money, I would immediately buy this computer.
- Had I the money, I would immediately acquire this computer.
- If I had the money, I would immediately purchase this computer.

Se eu tivesse dinheiro, compraria este computador imediatamente.

There is a big difference between learning a language in order to understand or to say something if needed, and wanting to acquire a second language in order to command it freely, almost like you command your first language, your mother tongue.

Há uma grande diferença entre aprender uma língua para entender ou dizer algo em caso de necessidade, e a tentativa de adquirir uma outra língua para falá-la livremente, quase como uma primeira língua, uma língua materna.

And Esau took his wives, and his sons and daughters, and every soul of his house, and his substance, and cattle, and all that he was able to acquire in the land of Canaan: and went into another country, and departed from his brother Jacob.

Esaú tomou suas mulheres, seus filhos e filhas e todas as pessoas de sua casa, assim como os seus rebanhos, todos os outros animais e todos os bens que havia adquirido em Canaã, e partiu para a terra de Seir, longe de seu irmão Jacó.