Translation of "He " in Polish

0.011 sec.

Examples of using "He " in a sentence and their polish translations:

- He relented.
- He compromised.

- On ustąpił.
- Ustąpił.

- He likes her.
- He likes it.
- He likes you.
- He likes that.
- He enjoys that.

On ją lubi.

- He maintained that he was innocent.
- He insisted that he was innocent.

Twierdził, że jest niewinny.

He says he will come.

- Mówi, że chce przyjść.
- On chce przyjść.

He said he was busy.

Powiedział, że jest zajęty.

He saves what he earns.

Odkłada wszystkie pieniądze, jakie tylko zarobi.

- Who is he?
- Who's he?

- Kim on jest?
- Kto to?

- He made it.
- He succeeded.

Udało mu się.

He showed what he meant.

Pokazał, co miał na myśli.

He whistled as he walked.

Idąc gwizdał.

He thinks he knows everything.

On myśli, że wszystko wie.

- He was crying.
- He cried.


- He scarpered.
- He legged it.

Dał nogę.

- He is walking.
- He walks.

On idzie.

- He is dead.
- He died.

- On umarł.
- On zmarł.

He said he would come and he did come.

Powiedział, że przyjdzie i przyszedł.

- He fell into a rage.
- He got angry.
- He became furious.
- He became angry.
- He got furious.

Rozzłościł się.

- He started singing.
- He started to sing.
- He began to sing.
- He began singing.

Zaczął śpiewać.

- He speaks as if he knew everything.
- He speaks as though he knew everything.

Mówi tak, jakby wiedział wszystko.

- When he finished running, he was happy.
- When he stopped running, he was satisfied.

Kiedy skończył biegać, był zadowolony.

He said he was hungry, and then he added that he was also thirsty.

Powiedział, że jest głodny, dodał, że jest też spragniony.

- He scarpered.
- He made a bolt for it.
- He legged it.
- He ran away.

- Zwiał.
- Zmył się.
- Prysnął.

- He kept singing.
- He kept on singing.
- He went on singing.
- He continued singing.

On nadal śpiewać.

He wishes he had studied harder when he was young.

Żałuje, że uczył się lepiej za młodu.

- He is regretting his action.
- He regrets what he did.

On żałuje tego, co zrobił.

He thinks he is somebody, but actually he is nobody.

Myśli, że jest kimś, ale jest nikim.

He said he would write to me, but he hasn't.

Powiedział, że do mnie napisze, ale jeszcze nie napisał.

- He legged it.
- He did a runner.
- He ran away.

- Zwiał.
- Uciekł.
- Dał drapaka.

- He promised me that he won't tell anybody.
- He promised me that he wouldn't tell anybody.
- He promised me he wouldn't tell anyone.

Przyrzekł mi, że nikomu o tym nie powie.

- He was good and drunk.
- He was as drunk as a lord.
- He was hammered.
- He was totally drunk.
- He was smashed.
- He was plastered.
- He was sloshed.

Był kompletnie pijany.

He took back everything he said.

Odwołał wszystko, co powiedział.

He hasn't come already, has he?

Jeszcze nie przyszedł, prawda?

He said that he was hungry.

Mówi, że jest głodny.

- He remained dumb.
- He kept quiet.


He behaved like he was afraid.

Zachowywał się, jakby się bał.

- He looks tired.
- He seems tired.

Wygląda na zmęczoną.

- He loves animals.
- He likes animals.

On lubi zwierzęta.

- He yawned widely.
- He yawned heavily.

Ziewnął potężnie.

- He can't swim.
- He cannot swim.

On nie umie pływać.

- He appeared young.
- He looked young.

Wyglądał młodo.

He admitted that he was wrong.

Przyznał, że był w błędzie.

He thought he would kill himself.

Myślał o samobójstwie.

He can't speak English, can he?

On nie mówi po angielsku, prawda?

He said he could do it.

Powiedział, że da radę.

- He speaks quickly.
- He speaks fast.

On szybko mówi.

- He is ill.
- He is sick.

On jest chory.

He can say whatever he wants.

On może mówić co chce.

- He likes adventure.
- He likes adventures.

- On lubi awanturę.
- On lubi przeżycie.

- He is abroad.
- He was abroad.

On jest za granicą.

- He went blind.
- He became blind.

- Oślepł.
- On oślepł.

- He committed suicide.
- He killed himself.

On popełnił samobójstwo.

He hopes he will visit Paris.

On ma nadzieję, że kiedyś zwiedzi Paryż.

He says he drinks to forget.

On mówi, że pije, żeby zapomnieć.

- He had ambition.
- He was ambitious.

Był ambitny.

- He died lately.
- He died recently.

Zmarł niedawno.

He left after he had lunch.

Wyruszył dopiero po obiedzie.

- He did run.
- He really ran.

Naprawdę biegł.

He gets lost wherever he goes.

Gubi się gdziekolwiek nie pójdzie.

- He loves fishing.
- He likes fishing.

On lubi łowić ryby.

- Here he is!
- He is here!

O, jest!

He admitted he had taken bribes.

Przyznał, że brał łapówki.

He is not what he was.

Nie jest już taki jak kiedyś.

- He likes soccer.
- He likes football.

On lubi piłkę nożną.

- Is he right?
- Is he correct?

Czy on ma rację?

- He was crying.
- He was sobbing.

On popłakiwał.

- He speaks quickly.
- He talks fast.

Mówi szybko.

He succeeded because he worked hard.

Odniósł sukces ponieważ ciężko pracował.

- He seems ill.
- He looks ill.

Wygląda na chorego.

- He called him.
- He named it.

Zadzwonił do niego.

He gave us everything he had.

Dał nam wszystko, co miał.

He just does what he can.

On robi co może.

- He came first.
- He arrived first.

On przyszedł pierwszy.

- He seems happy.
- He looks happy.

Wygląda na szczęśliwego.

- He dozed off.
- He fell asleep.


He told me he wasn't offended.

Powiedział mi, że nie czuł się urażony.

- Is he sleeping?
- Is he asleep?

- Śpi?
- Czy on śpi?
- On śpi?

- He let on that he was a lawyer.
- He pretended that he was a lawyer.

Udawał adwokata.

- He was arrested because he stole the money.
- He was arrested because he stole money.

Został aresztowany, ponieważ ukradł pieniądze.